Nominations Committee and Election Information: Slate of Officers

Dear LLNE Members,

The Executive Board is writing to let you know that the LLNE Nominations Committee, appointed by the LLNE President and made up of Christine Dulac (Chair), Karen Rutherford, and Diane DiAnglo, present the following slate candidates for the 2020 LLNE Elections:

Michael VanderHeijden, from Yale Law School, will be running for the VP/President Elect position.

Christie Schauder, from WilmerHale, will be running for the Secretary position.

Jessica Panella, University of Connecticut School of Law will be running for the Co-Educational Director position.

Per the LLNE bylaws, additional nominations of LLNE members in good standing is allowed. Any additional nominations must be submitted in writing to LLNE President, Robert DiFabrizio and Nicole Dyszlewski 60 days before the LLNE elections.  The additions nominations need to be endorsed by at least ten LLNE members in good standing.  With these deadlines in mind, the LLNE elections will take place on August 1, 2020.

Voting will be held online. 

Thank you to the Nominations Committee for their outstanding work.

If you have any questions, please contact Nicole and Bob.

LLNE 2019-2020 Nominations Slate Announced

On behalf of the Nominating Committee, we would like to present the slate of LLNE officers for 2019-2020:

Vice President/President Elect: Nicole Dyszlewski, Head of Reference, Instruction, and Engagement, Roger Williams University School of Law Library

Secretary: Christie Schauder, Digital Solutions Coordinator, WilmerHale

Treasurer:  Rachel Weiss, Research Librarian Nixon, Peabody LLP

Education Director: Maureen Quinlan, Reference/Government Documents Law Librarian, Garbrecht Law Library, University of Maine School of Law 

Thank you, 

2019 LLNE Nominating Committee:

Nuchine Nobari, Chair

Christine Iaconeta

Kirsten Leary

Next stop on Bob DeFabrizio’s Listening Tour: Connecticut! (Thursday, November 15th)

Just a friendly reminder that Bob DeFabrizio, LLNE’s V.P./President-Elect, will be making local visits to TWO Connecticut locations to chat with members about…

• Membership – What led you to join LLNE? What obstacles do you have engaging LLNE?
• Education – When was the last time you attended an LLNE education event? Why?
• Communication – Enough? Method?
• Committees – Tenure? Involvement? Experience?
• Miscellaneous – Website?

First stop, Hartford!

When: Thursday, November 15th at 9:30 a.m.
Where: University of Connecticut School of Law
Thomas J. Meskill Law Library, Library Conference Room 316
39 Elizabeth St.
Hartford, CT 06105

Parking in the lot around the library is $1/hr paid via a pay-by-phone mobile app. Here is more information regarding parking and a map. When available, street parking around campus is free.

Attendees should ask for the room at the Main Desk and staff will direct them to the room.

Thank you to Jessica de Perio Wittman, Law Library Director and Associate Professor of Law, University of Connecticut School of Law, for graciously agreeing to host the meeting and providing light refreshments.

Next stop-North Haven!

When: Thursday, November 15th at 3 p.m. (Meetings last approximately an hour.)
Where: Quinnipiac University School of Law
Lynne L. Pantalena Law Library, SLE 221 Library Commons
370 Bassett Road
North Haven, CT

Traveling to the meeting? Directions are Directions to Quinnipiac Law North Haven Campus for LLNE Local Visit Meeting. When entering the library on the second floor stop at the Circulation Desk for directions to the room.

Thank you to Ann DeVeaux, Director of the Lynne L. Pantalena Law Library, for graciously agreeing to host the meeting.

If you have not already RSVP’d please do so to Bob DeFabrizio at

Cannot make either meeting? Feel free to forward your comments and questions to Bob DeFabrizio at

For a list of other visits on Bob’s listening tour,  check out LLNE Listening Tour.

Nomination Slate for 2017/2018

Dear LLNE Members,

On behalf of the Nominating Committee, we would like to present the slate of LLNE officers for 2017/2018:

Vice President/President Elect:  Catherine Biondo, Senior Law Librarian: Legal Reference Services, Northeastern University School of Law Library

Treasurer:  Rick Buckingham, Director of the Law Library and Information Resources & Associate Professor of Legal Research, Suffolk University Law School Library

Education Director: Ellen Phillips, Serials Supervisor, UNH School of Law Library

Thank you,

2017 LLNE Nominating Committee:
Mindy Kent, Chair
Josh LaPorte
Barbara Schneider

Register for LLNE Business Meeting & Luncheon

Don’t forget to register for the LLNE Business Meeting and Luncheon in Philly!  We’ll be meeting on Tuesday, July 21st from 12:30-2 pm.  You can register here:

The deadline is Friday, July 10th, so register today!  We’re looking forward to seeing everyone!

2015 and 2016 LLNE Meetings

By Elliot Hibbler

Has it already more than a month since the Fall meeting? This morning’s dark, snowy walk to the MBTA says yes.  

Looking back, the folks from Boston College Law Library and the Association of Boston Law Librarians did a great job as hosts. The meeting was held at BC’s Connors Center, in quaint Dover, MA. Attendees were treated to a day of panels and discussion focusing on ways to reinvent the law library. We heard from many different stakeholders in the continued success of law libraries, including law firm librarians, judicial law librarians, academics and attorneys themselves. Of course, none of it would have been possible without the support of the meeting’s sponsors. 

Speaking of meetings, have you been thinking “I get so much out of the LLNE seasonal meetings, but I wish for once the theme would be…?” Have you ever wanted to invite a hundred law librarians over to your organization for a day of learning and lunch? Here is your opportunity – the Education Committee is looking for a host for the Spring 2016 meeting! Let one of the Education Directors (Elliott Hibbler or Bob DeFabrizio) know if you are interested in hosting. No one would say it is an easy commitment, but you will have the Education Committee backing you up all the way. 

If you have an interest in mindfulness, you don’t have to wait long for an LLNE meeting about the topic! The University of New Hampshire School of Law and the Association of New Hampshire Law Librarians will be hosting the Spring 2015 meeting in Concord, NH on April 24th. I am already looking forward to it! 

Welcome to Tiffany Camp!

We are pleased to welcome Tiffany Camp of the University of Connecticut School of Law Library as the new co-editor for LLNE News, along with Kyle Courtney. Tiffany is in the Access Services department and has worked at the UConn Law Library since 2012. She has also worked at the Hartford Public Library as a branch manager. She graduated from the University of Virginia and received her law degree from UConn Law. Tiffany is also a member of AALL’s Black Caucus (including its Community Service Committee) and is the Scholarship Chair of SNELLA. She has already had a good start in her communications role for LLNE as she took fabulous pictures at the recent LLNE Spring meeting hosted by UConn Law!

You may reach Tiffany at or 860-570-5113. Drop by and say hello if you see her at the Fall meeting at the Boston College Law Library and definitely let her know if you have anything that you would like to include in a future issue of LLNE News.

Camp 450x360(2)
Photo credit: University of Connecticut School of Law, used with permission

Report from the Nominating Committee

Elaine Apostola, Chair of the Law Librarians of New England Nominations Committee, recently reportedly o to the LLNE listserv that she met with fellow committee members, Susan Vaughn and Sue Zago in April and presented the following nominees for the LLNE Board elections to be held on Monday, July 14, 2014 at the LLNE Luncheon and Business Meeting in San Antonio, Texas. The slate includes:

Diane D’Angelo – VP/President Elect
Nicole Dyszlewski – Secretary
Bob DeFabrizio – Education Director (one year to finish out Diane D’Angelo’s term)
Elliott Hibbler – Education Director (two years)

New slate of candidates for LLNE Executive Board

The Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the following slate of officers for the coming year.

VP/President Elect: Barbara Schneider from the MA Trial Court Law Libraries (one year term)
Secretary: Nicole Dyszlewski, Senior Law Librarian Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library (two year term)
Education Director: Lisa Junghahn, Research Librarian at Harvard Law School (two year term)

Elaine Apostola, Chair
Michele Pearse
Betsy Swan