2015 and 2016 LLNE Meetings

By Elliot Hibbler

Has it already more than a month since the Fall meeting? This morning’s dark, snowy walk to the MBTA says yes.  

Looking back, the folks from Boston College Law Library and the Association of Boston Law Librarians did a great job as hosts. The meeting was held at BC’s Connors Center, in quaint Dover, MA. Attendees were treated to a day of panels and discussion focusing on ways to reinvent the law library. We heard from many different stakeholders in the continued success of law libraries, including law firm librarians, judicial law librarians, academics and attorneys themselves. Of course, none of it would have been possible without the support of the meeting’s sponsors. 

Speaking of meetings, have you been thinking “I get so much out of the LLNE seasonal meetings, but I wish for once the theme would be…?” Have you ever wanted to invite a hundred law librarians over to your organization for a day of learning and lunch? Here is your opportunity – the Education Committee is looking for a host for the Spring 2016 meeting! Let one of the Education Directors (Elliott Hibbler or Bob DeFabrizio) know if you are interested in hosting. No one would say it is an easy commitment, but you will have the Education Committee backing you up all the way. 

If you have an interest in mindfulness, you don’t have to wait long for an LLNE meeting about the topic! The University of New Hampshire School of Law and the Association of New Hampshire Law Librarians will be hosting the Spring 2015 meeting in Concord, NH on April 24th. I am already looking forward to it! 

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