We are pleased to welcome Tiffany Camp of the University of Connecticut School of Law Library as the new co-editor for LLNE News, along with Kyle Courtney. Tiffany is in the Access Services department and has worked at the UConn Law Library since 2012. She has also worked at the Hartford Public Library as a branch manager. She graduated from the University of Virginia and received her law degree from UConn Law. Tiffany is also a member of AALL’s Black Caucus (including its Community Service Committee) and is the Scholarship Chair of SNELLA. She has already had a good start in her communications role for LLNE as she took fabulous pictures at the recent LLNE Spring meeting hosted by UConn Law!
You may reach Tiffany at tiffany.camp@law.uconn.edu or 860-570-5113. Drop by and say hello if you see her at the Fall meeting at the Boston College Law Library and definitely let her know if you have anything that you would like to include in a future issue of LLNE News.

Photo credit: University of Connecticut School of Law, used with permission