Education Committee


Past & Future Meetings

Committee Charge:

1. The Education Committee shall consist of the two chapter Directors and such additional members as the President shall designate. Selection of the additional members should be based on such factors as geographical distribution and type of library to ensure broad representation. The senior Director shall serve as Committee Chairperson.

2. The Education Committee shall set long range program goals, arrange for host libraries, and provide assistance in program planning and local arrangements as requested. Hosts, tentative dates, and suggested topics should be scheduled two to three years in advance. Six months to one year prior to the meeting, the host librarian and chairperson of the Education Committee shall reconfirm the location, date, and subject of the program.

3. The Education Committee shall solicit program ideas from the general membership and attempt to arrange for programs of greatest interest to the current membership.

4. The Education Committee shall plan three programs annually, at the Fall, Midwinter and Spring meetings. The Committee shall attempt to alternate programs on substantive legal projects with those on various aspects of law librarianship. The one-day Midwinter meeting is usually held jointly with ABLL in the Boston area, while the Fall and Spring meetings may be held at any agreed upon location.

5. The Education Committee shall coordinate its planning with that of other nearby chapters in order to arrange joint meetings when feasible.

6. The Committee chairperson shall provide the Executive Committee and editor of LLNE News with a list of forthcoming programs.

Education Directors

Jessica Panella
Head of Access & Administrative Services
UConn School of Law Library
35 Elizabeth St,. Hartford CT 06105

Maureen Quinlan
Reference & Gov. Doc. Law Librarian
Garbrecht Law Library
University of Maine School of Law
246 Deering Avenue
Portland, ME 04102