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Spring 2025 LLNE Meeting

The LLNE spring conference will investigate wellness, mindfulness, and the legal profession through panels and experiential sessions designed to heighten your awareness about the stressors that plague the legal profession. Law librarianship is at its heart a profession focused on providing services. Often, over time, we get to know our users, and, subsequently, they sometimes turn to us for more than research questions and reference aids. Since service providers can be affected by stress emanating from those around them, it is important to learn to prioritize self-care and wellness. This allows you to provide more effective service, and to connect more authentically with both yourself and others.

Learn more at the conference website!

Support for Ukraine

During this unprecedented time, the LLNE Service Committee would like to encourage members to donate funds to help the people of Ukraine. Below please find a list of local/US organizations that are taking donations to provide food, shelter, and medical supplies.  

Friends of Ukraine: https://fundly.com/friends-of-ukraine-ri

This RI organization started by Brown University professors is raising money to send medical supplies to Ukraine. For more information, visit: https://www.abc6.com/30k-and-counting-raised-for-ukrainians-by-rhode-island-professors/ 

Sunflower of Peacehttps://www.sunflowerofpeace.com/

Sunflower of Peace Foundation is a Boston, USA-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. They are currently raising money to acquire and distribute first-aid backpacks, medicine, medical instruments to medical personnel in Ukraine.

World Central Kitchen: https://wck.org/news/chefs-for-ukraine

World Central Kitchen is distributing meals in Poland to Ukrainians fleeing the country. The organization, founded by chef José Andrés, is seeking donations to provide remote support to Ukrainian restaurants continuing to serve meals for people in need.

Airbnb through Olena Gnes: https://www.airbnb.ae/experiences/1930416 

Or Olena’s Buy Me a Coffee Page: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/whatisukraine 

Many of you may remember Olena Gnes. She was our online tour guide for the virtual tour of Chernobyl during one of LLNE’s Funtivities. Olena is currently living in a bomb shelter with her three children in Kyiv. She posts daily updates on her YouTube channel, What is Ukraine. If you would like to donate directly to Olena and her family, please consider purchasing a tour through her Airbnb site or purchasing “coffee” through Olena’s Buy Me a Coffee page (1 coffee = a $5.00 donation).

If there are any members who want to donate to Olena, but don’t want to open an Airbnb account, please contact Jessica at jessica.almeida@umassd.edu.  

Airbnb: https://www.airbnb.org/help-ukraine

Airbnb users can book stays or tours in Ukraine that they don’t plan to check into as part of an effort to donate directly to people in Ukraine. The campaign allows Ukrainian Airbnb hosts to receive direct support from those looking to help. 

Cash for Refugees: https://www.cashforrefugees.org/

Cash for Refugees is a non-profit organization created by refugees to help Ukrainians as they cross the border. They are currently helping Ukrainian refugees in Romania, assisting 220 families a day by distributing $20,000.  

Who are we?

LAW LIBRARIANS OF NEW ENGLAND (LLNE) was organized in 1946, when 17 law librarians gathered to meet each other and to consider the advantages of forming a professional association. Over the years LLNE has grown to over 250 members representing more than 50 libraries in the six New England states. Members come from all segments of the legal community, including academic libraries, federal and state courts and agencies, county and public law libraries, corporate legal departments, publishers, vendors, and private law firm.