Beyond the book drive: Service Committee Happenings

By the LLNE Service Committee

For the last year or so the Service Committee has been working on a book drive. As of the start of 2015, we have chosen one library from each New England state and have donated (or will in the next few weeks donate) a small legal collection to these recipients.  The feedback we have gotten about this project has been fantastic. Considering the success of the project, we have decided to continue to work with the concept of outreaching to New England public librarians.

The start of 2015 has been busy for the service committee. The new year has brought the addition of Rebecca Martin as co-chair of the committee, the inclusion of several new members (the committee has almost tripled in size!), and the formation of two subcommittees to work on new projects. One of the subcommittees will be working on creating a web portal while the other will be working on developing in-person educational and outreach opportunities. Both subcommittees will continue to focus their projects on outreach to public librarians in New England.

Sometimes LLNE members cannot attend the Spring or Fall Meetings due to a number of factors. This is also true (and perhaps more true?) for the Annual Meeting. Realizing that this is a reality of the membership of our organization, the Service Committee is trying to bring projects to you.  We are looking for members to volunteer to assist with educational opportunities at local public libraries that have requested legal research training. We are looking for members to volunteer to be designated as available to help out a local public librarian colleague over email or phone in a pinch. If you might considering helping out the service committee outreach to public libraries in New England, contact one of the committee co-chairs, Rebecca and Catherine via email.

Also, we are always looking for new, different, and unique ways to outreach to public librarians. If you know of a listserv we should join, can think of a conference we might attend, or have a fantastic idea for a public library educational program, contact us! We would love to hear your idea or even work with you to make outreach happen in your neck of the woods.

Government Relations Committee

By Anne McDonald, Co-Chair, LLNE GRC, & Emilie Benoit, Co-Chair, LLNE GRC

This month’s blog will focus on the activities of the AALL Government Relations Committee and how law librarians, including LLNE members, can influence their members of Congress.

The Government Relations Committee (GRO) works closely with the staff of AALL’s Government Relations Office: Director Emily Feltren and Public Policy Associate Elizabeth Holland, who work diligently with members of Congress and other good government advocacy groups on information issues according to our priorities.  The Public Policy Priorities for the 114th Congress, outlines the Association’s policy goals for the next two years.  Once pertinent bills are introduced, the office staff will create a bill tracking chart and update several one-pagers.

In December 2014, the GRC sponsored a fascinating look into the makeup of the 2014th Congress, made some predictions and offered some tips for advocacy in this new political landscape.  Here are some excerpts:

Republicans won majority in both chambers in the November 2014 midterm elections; this is the largest Republican majority since 1928 and it is also a new Congress. Many members have served less than 6 years. With new challenges come new opportunities.

  • Since many Republican members of Congress hold a high regard for transparency in government, this should make it easier to advocate for greater access to government information, such as Congressional Reports, Executive Branch memos and more access to PACER.
  • Republicans emphasize smaller government, targeting ‘redundant’ programs for elimination and turning over to private sector. We need to educate Members of Congress about the Importance of Permanent Public Access to reliable government information in print and online.
  • Money talks: we need to show how law libraries and agencies like the GPO, and Library of Congress save money for the government and for the Taxpayers. The Federal Depository Library Project, as we all know, provides no fee public access and potentially saves Congress staff time by answering questions on law and policy that would otherwise go to the library user’s Members of Congress to research.
  • Show real world examples. Educate law makers about issues facing law libraries and how the work you do as a law librarian would be affected by a certain bill, such as elimination of the print index for the Federal Register.

Adapted from: AALL Government Relations Office. (2014). Look into our crystal ball: law librarian advocacy in the new Congress [PowerPoint slides].

Fortunately for LLNE, there are just two new faces in Congress from any of the 6 New England states:  Frank Guinta, Republican representing New Hampshire’s second Congressional District and Representative Seth Moulton (D) from Massachusetts’s 6th Congressional District. The rest are all incumbents, which should make our task easier.

Want to get the latest scoop on the legislation we are tracking and GRC training opportunities?

Be sure to subscribe to the Advocacy listserv and the Washington Blawg.

There will be two upcoming training opportunities: online advocacy training on Feb. 11 titled “Understanding the Federal Budget Process” (register here) and the third annual Local Advocate Lobby Day on March 18 in Washington, DC (register here).  Both events are free for LLNE members, although Lobby Day participants must make their own travel and lodging arrangements.

Slides from past trainings are available on the Presentations page:

Although the Government Relations Office primarily focuses on federal information policy issues, in recent years the office has been involved in some state issues, particularly UELMA and is available to assist chapters with UELMA and related state issues.

AALL’s Director of Government Relations Emily Feltren reports that the Uniform Laws Commissioners in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont and Maine have put UELMA legislation on their enactment plans, which does not in itself guarantee that legislation will be introduced and followed through, but this does give some weight to the importance of UELMA.

The legislatures in New England states are in the first weeks of a new session and have not had much action to date. LLNE GRC will be tracking legislation related to information policy and libraries in all of our member states and keep our members up to date in the coming months. Here is the link to AALL’s state issues pages.

“Gotta Get Back in Time” – LLNE Ten Years Ago

By Laurel Davis, Boston College Law Library
Archives Committee Co-Chair

Writing this post is making me want to buy a Huey Lewis & the News album or watch Back to the Future, but I’ll try to finish writing before allowing the distraction to overtake me.

So, what were the folks at LLNE up to 10 years ago? To find out, I combed through the first LLNE newsletter to come out in 2005.

Susan Vaughn, then at Suffolk University Law School and now a colleague at Boston College Law School, was writing about a struggle that we still face today when teaching legal research. She posed a question about what level of focus should be kept on print resources and how to convince students that sometimes print is the way to go; she also made the point that, while these specific questions are important to explore, the more important lesson for the students is the one about the process of research—not the particular sources or platforms.

Other notable pieces included: an update from then-President Raquel Ortiz about LLNE’s activities (including a new blog and a new LLNE academic scholarship!) and the upcoming annual meeting in San Antonio; a fun “Legal Limit” cartoon by newsletter co-editors Sharon Persons and Susan Vaughn about the desolation of nighttime roving reference duty and more; a quite amusing Miss Nomer advice column; some Feng Shui advice for one’s office; and news about the new Social Law Library space in the John Adams Courthouse!

Take a look, and enjoy this glimpse back in time at LLNE!

Life Membership Honors LLNE’s Stars

By Raquel M. Ortiz
LLNE Membership Development Committee chair

What does it take to become an LLNE life member?  The LLNE Bylaws tell us generally what life member status requires:  a person retired from full time law library employment and who has served as an active member of LLNE for at least 10 years.

Recently, the LLNE Executive Board discussed in detail what we thought active membership means. That discussion and research into other AALL chapters, has led us to solidify three major categories of “Active” LLNE members that seem apropos for this honor.

First, former members of the Executive Committee, who all serve for two or more years, are automatically eligible for life membership.  Serving as the President, Secretary, Treasurer or Education Director carries significant responsibilities within LLNE and ensures that the organization runs smoothly and our financial, educational, and reporting obligations are met.  Those who volunteer their time in those roles are generally members who have volunteered their time to LLNE in other ways so as to make an impression upon the Nominating Committee that requests their service.

A second category of active members are those members who served 5 or more years as committee chair, assistant clerk, resident agent, or committee member.  These roles are equally important to the vibrancy of LLNE as a chapter.  While the Executive Committee carries the heavy load of running LLNE, most of LLNE’s initiatives begin and are maintained at the committee level.  LLNE’s committees are responsible for our award-winning Legal Research Instruction Program and blog, our fantastic scholarships, coordinating LLNE meetings, our newsletter and social media, advocacy at the local and national level, and our extensive service to the community.  The tireless efforts of these volunteers move LLNE forward and bring it to the national spotlight.

Finally, we recognize those members who have made extraordinary contributions to LLNE, AALL, or the profession of law librarianship.  This category recognizes cumulative contributions rather than extended service in an LLNE leadership role.  Contributions are in areas of interest to LLNE: advocacy, leadership, mentoring, promoting public access to government information, publications, service, scholarship, teaching, or any combination of these contributions.

Of course, these categories of active membership simply bring up a member for consideration for Life Membership. You, our members, are ultimately the ones who bestow this honor to your colleagues when you vote at our business meetings.  Our members make LLNE a chapter that is all about “communication, collaboration, networking and fun”.  Those of us on the Executive Board serve because you inspire us to give more to this organization and as members of our wonderful profession.

2015 and 2016 LLNE Meetings

By Elliot Hibbler

Has it already more than a month since the Fall meeting? This morning’s dark, snowy walk to the MBTA says yes.  

Looking back, the folks from Boston College Law Library and the Association of Boston Law Librarians did a great job as hosts. The meeting was held at BC’s Connors Center, in quaint Dover, MA. Attendees were treated to a day of panels and discussion focusing on ways to reinvent the law library. We heard from many different stakeholders in the continued success of law libraries, including law firm librarians, judicial law librarians, academics and attorneys themselves. Of course, none of it would have been possible without the support of the meeting’s sponsors. 

Speaking of meetings, have you been thinking “I get so much out of the LLNE seasonal meetings, but I wish for once the theme would be…?” Have you ever wanted to invite a hundred law librarians over to your organization for a day of learning and lunch? Here is your opportunity – the Education Committee is looking for a host for the Spring 2016 meeting! Let one of the Education Directors (Elliott Hibbler or Bob DeFabrizio) know if you are interested in hosting. No one would say it is an easy commitment, but you will have the Education Committee backing you up all the way. 

If you have an interest in mindfulness, you don’t have to wait long for an LLNE meeting about the topic! The University of New Hampshire School of Law and the Association of New Hampshire Law Librarians will be hosting the Spring 2015 meeting in Concord, NH on April 24th. I am already looking forward to it! 

Book Drive Update from the Service Committee

In the fall of 2013, the LLNE Service Committee decided to organize a book drive in connection with the Fall Meeting at Social Law Library as a service initiative. The book drive was intended to benefit one non-law public library in Massachusetts. The response to the book drive was incredible. Once we understood the potential impact of such a project, the Service Committee decided to replicate the book drive efforts in the other five New England states. For more information about which titles we chose and how we selected them, see the state book lists at

Book Drive

One year later, the committee is finalizing the collections, choosing recipient libraries, and donating the books. The book drive would not have been possible without the generous assistance and support of LLNE members, libraries, vendors, publishers, authors, editors and the LLNE Executive Board. At the LLNE business meeting in Fall 2014 the members of the Service Committee gave a short presentation about the book drive and thanked all of the contributors and partners. If you missed it, below is a link to our slide deck which includes all of the names of the donors and partners:

The Committee is in the process of developing ideas and planning projects for the coming year. Recognizing a need for a stronger relationship with non-law public librarians in the region, the Service Committee is exploring ways to further enhance those connections and contribute our knowledge and talents. Our goal is to promote the institutions currently working in our communities, to partner with public librarians and to try and find new ways to support the amazing work already being done by libraries and librarians in New England.

As always, we encourage LLNE members who want to volunteer to contact the current members of the Service Committee ( We have big plans and always have room for more volunteers!

Finally, the Service Committee co-wrote an article for a forthcoming issue of AALL’s Spectrum and we invite you to read about our project in even more detail.

Academic and Fall Meeting Scholarships: Apply by October 20

Fall Leaves Maine
Kristen Taylor/ CC BY 2.0

The LLNE Scholarship Committee is accepting applications for the LLNE academic scholarship award.  Applications for academic scholarships must be received by October 20, 2014. The academic scholarship guidelines, as well as the specific application form,  can be found on the LLNE website.

In addition, the LLNE Scholarship Committee  is accepting applications for financial assistance to attend the LLNE/ABLL Fall Meeting.  Boston College Law Library and the Association of Boston Law Librarians  are co-hosting the meeting on October 24, 2014 at the Boston College Connors Center in Dover, Mass. The theme of the meeting is Reinventing the Law Library: Meeting the Challenge. The LLNE scholarship will cover the cost of registration.  The scholarship application form and instructions can be found on the LLNE website. Applications must be received by October 20, 2014.

Recipents of LLNE scholarships are asked to contribute a brief article to the LLNE Newsletter to describe how the award proved beneficial to their professional development.

We look forward to seeing  our LLNE colleagues at the upcoming Fall meeting.

—Mary Ann Neary, Chair, LLNE Scholarship Committee

Scholarship Committee members: Jenna Fegreus, Melanie Cornell, Mary Ann Neary

Update on Book Drive (LLNE Service Committee)

Recognizing that law librarians have unique skills to offer to the New England community and to foster a spirit of cooperation among the membership, the LLNE Service Committee has been charged with identifying, publicizing and promoting volunteer and community service activities. This year we have chosen “Outreach to Public Libraries” as our service initiative, and have begun a legal book drive to benefit public libraries throughout New England. In the interest of promoting access to the law and legal information, and guided by the Public Libraries Toolkit Collection Guidelines, we developed a wish list of reference-type law books. We intend to assemble complete mini-collections of these legal books and donate one collection to a public library in each of the New England states that do not regularly have such material as part of their collection. We hope these books will benefit members of the public and public reference librarians and help increase access to legal information in our region.

We have completed a mini-collection for Massachusetts and are in the process of identifying and selecting a library for the collection.

This is where you come in…

After receiving member donations at our Spring and Fall meetings, as well as receiving tremendous library, LLNE, and vendor support, we are still looking for donations of the following titles:

1. Maine Law Enforcement Officer’s Manual (2013-16)
2. The Criminal Law Handbook (13th, 2013)
3. How to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy (18th, 2013)
4. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy (11th, 2012)
5. New Hampshire Practice & Procedure Handbook (2014)
6. Practical Guide to Divorce in New Hampshire (1st, 2012 supp.)
7. New Hampshire Special Education Law Manual (5th, 2009)
8. Divorce in Vermont (2006)
9. Divorce Law Guide from A to Z (2012)
10. The Probate Process from Start to Finish (2013)
11. Rhode Island Zoning for Non-Lawyers (2008)

We are also accepting monetary donations.

For more information about these titles or this project, please contact one of the committee members.

Catherine Biondo (chair), Legal Reference Librarian at Northeastern University School of Law Library
Nicole Dyszlewski, Senior Law Librarian at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library
Joshua LaPorte, Circulation Desk Supervisor and Library Services Assistant at UConn School of Law Thomas J. Meskill Law Library
Rebecca Martin, Digital & Bibliographic Resources Librarian at Boston University School of Law Pappas Law Library

Welcome to Tiffany Camp!

We are pleased to welcome Tiffany Camp of the University of Connecticut School of Law Library as the new co-editor for LLNE News, along with Kyle Courtney. Tiffany is in the Access Services department and has worked at the UConn Law Library since 2012. She has also worked at the Hartford Public Library as a branch manager. She graduated from the University of Virginia and received her law degree from UConn Law. Tiffany is also a member of AALL’s Black Caucus (including its Community Service Committee) and is the Scholarship Chair of SNELLA. She has already had a good start in her communications role for LLNE as she took fabulous pictures at the recent LLNE Spring meeting hosted by UConn Law!

You may reach Tiffany at or 860-570-5113. Drop by and say hello if you see her at the Fall meeting at the Boston College Law Library and definitely let her know if you have anything that you would like to include in a future issue of LLNE News.

Camp 450x360(2)
Photo credit: University of Connecticut School of Law, used with permission

Report from the Nominating Committee

Elaine Apostola, Chair of the Law Librarians of New England Nominations Committee, recently reportedly o to the LLNE listserv that she met with fellow committee members, Susan Vaughn and Sue Zago in April and presented the following nominees for the LLNE Board elections to be held on Monday, July 14, 2014 at the LLNE Luncheon and Business Meeting in San Antonio, Texas. The slate includes:

Diane D’Angelo – VP/President Elect
Nicole Dyszlewski – Secretary
Bob DeFabrizio – Education Director (one year to finish out Diane D’Angelo’s term)
Elliott Hibbler – Education Director (two years)