Welcome to happy hour!

Join your colleagues from ABLL and LLNE at the first ever ABLL/LLNE Happy Hour!

Flyer for joint LLNA ABLL Happy HourWhen:

October 15th, from 5pm to 8pm


The Warehouse
40 Broad Street
Boston, MA 02109

RSVP: If you plan on coming, please let April Taylor know so we can keep an eye out for you, but if you’re feeling spontaneous at the last minute, you can just pop in.

Cost:  It only costs as much as you order, and we usually do separate checks to avoid the dreaded math incurred by those nasty eleven-way splits!





Fall Meeting Service Project: Helping Out is as Easy as Pi

Who: You, as an individual and/or your library

What: Help the Girls Who Code Club at Rochambeau Library!

Girls Who Code Logo

How: There are a couple of ways to help:

  1. Buy a Raspberry Pi on Amazon and bring it to the fall meeting on October 2nd at Roger Williams.
  2. Make a monetary donation
    1. In person at the fall meeting
    2. Can’t come to the meeting, but still want to help? Contact Jessica Jones or Josh LaPorte.

Questions? Contact Jessica Jones or Josh LaPorte.

Invitation to Innovation

LLNE_FallMtg_web FINAL

Innovation surrounds our profession. Constant changes in legal technology, the practice of law, librarianship, information politics, and organizational culture often represent tremendous creativity and innovation.

You are cordially invited to join us for the LLNE Fall Meeting titled Successfully Supporting & Igniting Innovation which will be hosted by Roger Williams University School of Law Library in Bristol, RI on October 2, 2015. The RWU law library staff has been planning this meeting for months and is looking forward to sharing the day with you talking about innovation!  We are trying to strike a balance between the theoretical, the practical, and the fun. We are also showcasing all Rhode Island has to offer on the innovation front.

This meeting attempts to engage successful innovators in our field and in New England in a discussion about why innovation is important and how we can support innovation among ourselves, for our patrons, at our institutions, in the practice of law, and as learning facilitators. The morning will feature panelists who will discuss the importance of supporting an innovative culture and the afternoon will feature an unconference.

For those of you who had the opportunity to attend the AALL Annual Meeting this year, you may have noticed an interactive whiteboard display for attendees to contribute ideas and sketches to during the course of the event. In the spirit of innovation, we are planning on having a similar reflective graphic available for conference attendees to express ideas on creating and supporting library and legal innovation. Created by a librarian/artist from New Hampshire, this experience promises to be unique and fun.

Registration is now open. More information will be posted as it becomes available. If you have questions about lodging, the program, or registration, please contact Raquel Ortiz at rortiz@rwu.edu.


Photo Credit: Kathleen MacAndrew

TODAY at noon!!! Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries 200th Anniversary!

Come help our colleagues at the Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries celebrate their anniversary! See details below!

Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries to Celebrate Historic Anniversary

The Trial Court Law Libraries will mark the 200th anniversary of the enactment of legislation that established what was to become a system of public law libraries in the Massachusetts. The public is invited to attend the following event to celebrate this milestone.

The Great Hall
John Adams Courthouse
1 Pemberton Square
Boston, MA 02108

Thursday, March 26, 2015
12:00p.m. – 1:00p.m.

At the reception, speakers will highlight the Law Libraries’ service to the Judiciary, members of the Bar Associations, and the public.

Light refreshments will be served.

Spring Meeting Registration: Credit Cards Accepted!

The Law Librarians of New England are pleased to announce that you can now pay for your LLNE Spring 2015 conference  registration by credit card.

Save the Date: LLNE Spring 2015 Meeting, April 24 2015If you haven’t registered for the conference yet, now is your chance. This year’s theme is Mindfulness and Librarians: Bridge Over Troubled Waters. Come learn how mindfulness techniques can help you be a more effective librarian.


For more information visit the LLNE.org site at http://bit.ly/1EbCmkV

Invitation to Presentation and Tour of EPA Library in Boston

BLC Government Documents Community of Interest invites you to a presentation and tour of the U.S. EPA Library in Boston

EPA Library Tour

Thursday, April 23, 2015. All librarians are welcome.

For more details, see flyer.

Questions/RSVP to Barbara Morgan, bmorgan@library.umass.edu

We hope you’ll join your colleagues for this interesting event!

LLNE Spring Meeting 2015: Mindfulness and Librarians

Save the Date: LLNE Spring 2015 Meeting, April 24 2015The University of New Hampshire Law Library and the Association of New Hampshire Law Librarians are pleased to announce that they will be hosting the Spring 2015 Law Librarians of New England (LLNE) conference on April 24, 2015 from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn in downtown Concord, New Hampshire.

The Spring 2015 LLNE Conference, Mindfulness and Librarians: Bridge over Troubled Waters, promotes the integration of mindfulness into the training of lawyers and law students, as a way of increasing well-being, balance, and effectiveness. Mindfulness is the gentle effort of being continuously present with experience. Author Jon Kabat-Zinn’s definition of mindfulness is “Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” Over time, bringing a mindful perspective into legal education and law practice may provide great benefits to lawyers and their clients, and ultimately foster a more just, compassionate, and reflective legal system.

Librarians often fail to give ourselves over completely to the moment – the reference interview, the question being asked, teaching classes, the catalog record, etc. Librarians love to multitask. How can we not multitask, given the nature of our jobs, with the information-saturated environments in which we work? We will explore how mindfulness practice will lead us and those we serve to be mindful, increase intellectual and emotional intelligence, expand capacity and resilience, decrease stress and anxiety, cultivate and advance joy and satisfaction in the practice of law leading to enhanced civility, and greater ease at home with family and friends. Our program brings together speakers from various disciplines supporting our consideration of mindfulness in libraries, legal education and practice and dispute resolution.

Speakers and facilitators include attorney and educator Liz Maillett of Still Sense who will be delivering the keynote talk on “Mindfulness and the Troubled Legal World,” Margaret Fletcher, of the Center for Health Promotion at Concord Hospital who will be speaking on the topic of “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction,” Professor and author Deborah Calloway who will be speaking on the topic “Becoming a Joyful Lawyer,” Associate Dean Filippa Anzalone of Boston College Law who will be facilitating an unconference section of the event on the topic of “Mindfulness and Librarianship,” and Professor Sophie Sparrow of UNH Law who will speaking on the topic of “Mindfulness in Legal Education.”

Registration for the event is $55 per person and includes lunch.


Theory into Practice: Looking Forward, Looking Backward

by Nicole Dyszlewski, Roger Williams Univesrity School of Law

When Brian Flaherty started his “Theory Into Practice” posts on the LLNE blog, he asked some of the members of the LLNE Executive Board if there had been any memorable experiences they had to share of turning something they learned at an LLNE meeting (theory) into something they did at their own library (practice). I immediately emailed him that I had something to share.


Back in November, 2010, I attended the Fall LLNE meeting hosted by Northeastern University School of Law Library titled “Improve Your Workplace Health! Inoculate Against Bad Morale.” What made this meeting so memorable is that it focused heavily on bringing positivity to the workplace. The theme of the meeting resonated strongly with me and I have tried to bring some of the lessons learned from that meeting to work every day.


It is not always easy to be positive at work. In fact, sometimes (Mondays? Snowstorms?) it is downright impossible. What I learned from the Fall 2010 meeting is that there are small things we can do to try and increase morale. One of the things I do to boost my own mood is listen to upbeat music. In the registration packet for that meeting we were given a list of upbeat songs (one song on the list was Katrina and the Waves “Walking on Sunshine”!) and while I can’t say that I play “Don’t Worry Be Happy” every day before my reference shift, I can say that I have made an effort to have a few “happy” Pandora stations at my disposal when I am working on a tedious task or just need a burst of sunshine.


Another way I have worked to inoculate myself and my workplace against negativity is by adding a bit of fun to my job. For example, I regularly participate in the Green Bag’s Lunchtime Law Quiz. While the weekly question itself is released at lunchtime on Monday, you usually have a day or two to research and answer the question. While I find legal research to be fun on its own, the Green Bag quiz is a lighthearted way to take a break from serious work and flex my research muscles on something more humorous and less consequential. Not only does it give me an opportunity to discover (or re-discover) some of the resources in my library’s collection, but it gives me an opportunity to discuss possible answers with other librarians who may also be stumped on a question. If you haven’t tried it, you should!


This Spring, the LLNE meeting is being co-hosted by the University of New Hampshire School of Law LibraryThe Association of New Hampshire Law Librarians. The meeting’s theme is Mindfulness and Librarians. According to the description, “We will explore how practices will lead us, and those we serve, to… decrease stress and anxiety, cultivate and advance joy and satisfaction in the practice of law.” I look forward to attending this meeting and finding new ideas to bring back and put into practice!

Public Librarian Scholarships available for Intro to Legal Research Course

The LLNE Service Committee has made two scholarships available to public librarians interested in taking the Intro to Legal Research course.  If you know a public librarian who is interested in learning more about legal research, please direct them to the Service Committee page to apply.

SAVE THE DATE: Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries to Celebrate Historic Anniversary, Thursday, March 26th, 12:00pm-1:00pm

Please save the date so you can help our colleagues at the Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries celebrate their anniversary! See details below!

Massachusetts Trial Court Law Libraries to Celebrate Historic Anniversary

The Trial Court Law Libraries will mark the 200th anniversary of the enactment of legislation that established what was to become a system of public law libraries in the Massachusetts. The public is invited to attend the following event to celebrate this milestone.

The Great Hall
John Adams Courthouse
1 Pemberton Square
Boston, MA 02108

Thursday, March 26, 2015
12:00p.m. – 1:00p.m.

At the reception, speakers will highlight the Law Libraries’ service to the Judiciary, members of the Bar Associations, and the public.

Light refreshments will be served.