LLNE Fall Meeting (in conjunction with ABLL) Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms in Law Libraries and Legal Practice) registration

Just a reminder that the registration form for the Fall Meeting (in conjunction with ABLL) is open and linked on the website for the event.

Some information (including deadlines) to highlight:

Registration: The fee is $60 and credit cards are accepted via the registration form. The deadline for registering is November 1, 2019.

Hotels:  A list of hotels with negotiated rates/blocks is available on the meeting website. Please note that the rooms that have been blocked would have to be reserved by October 7, 2019.

Scholarships: Interested in applying for a scholarship for the Fall Meeting? Applications are available at https://llne.org/committees/scholarships/scholarshipinfo/ . The deadline for submission is October 18, 2019.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me Michelle Pearse at mpearse@law.harvard.edu or 617-496-2102 if you have any questions, concerns or problems registering.

Hope to see many of you there!

Register for the LLNE/ABLL Spring 2016 meeting!

Registration for the LLNE/ABLL Spring 2016 meeting is now open! The theme of the meeting is “Access to Government Information.” We will be spending the day discussing the role of law libraries and the government in providing access to this information, and why it is so critically important. Registration is $50 for LLNE members, and $40 for ABLL members.

Registration, the full schedule, and more is available at http://lawlibraryguides.neu.edu/LLNE2016

Education Committee Update

By Ellen Frentzen & Elliot Hibbler

As we’re writing this, Elliott has finished up a proposal  for an AALL/Bloomberg BNA Continuing Education Grant to fund an exciting new continuing education series from LLNE. More details coming soon!

Planning for the Spring Meeting, which will be held April 8 at Northeastern University, is also well under way. It will be a joint meeting with ABLL, and the theme is Access to Government information. Be sure to save the date for this one!

Elliott is also co-teaching the legal information sources class offered to MLS students at Simmons with fellow LLNE member Scott Akehurst-Moore. If you have the opportunity, please recommend the course to your Simmons friends (and of course, suggest they join LLNE—it’s only $5 for a student membership, and there are lots of great benefits).

Welcome to happy hour!

Join your colleagues from ABLL and LLNE at the first ever ABLL/LLNE Happy Hour!

Flyer for joint LLNA ABLL Happy HourWhen:

October 15th, from 5pm to 8pm


The Warehouse
40 Broad Street
Boston, MA 02109

RSVP: If you plan on coming, please let April Taylor know so we can keep an eye out for you, but if you’re feeling spontaneous at the last minute, you can just pop in.

Cost:  It only costs as much as you order, and we usually do separate checks to avoid the dreaded math incurred by those nasty eleven-way splits!





ABLL Meeting

Fellow law librarians,

Don’t miss an interesting breakfast program being hosted by ABLL on Wednesday, October 21st, at Suffolk University Law School.

Betsy McKenzie and Susan Vaughn will present on their research into how computer assisted legal research may be affecting how lawyers do legal analysis. Following this brief presentation, we will have a round table to explore how firm and academic librarians can work together to better prepare new associates for the demands of real world research.

Academic librarians – come and learn what firm librarians think we should be teaching! Firm librarians – come and hear about programs academic librarians are working on to teach students research skills!

For more details, see the ABLL announcement at: http://www.abll.org/pdf/abllinviteoct2009.pdf