

The Trustees and staff of the Social Law Library are greatly saddened by the death of Edgar J. Bellefontaine. As Librarian from 1961 to 1998 Mr. Bellefontaine was the guiding force behind the Library’s many improvements and innovations. He kept the Library’s primary focus squarely on the patrons who depend on its resources and services. He guided the Library’s adoption of new technologies, forged a commitment to historic preservation, and encouraged nearly four decades of energetic development. He never forgot that the Library was founded as a “social” organization to foster a sense of professionalism and community among the members of the bench and bar. He was brilliant, enterprising, engaging and forever innovative. Made up of equal parts Maine and Metropolitan Boston, he was a much loved and gifted custodian of the law.


Edgar Bellefontaine’s dedication to new and improving technologies, combined with his respect and thoughtful preservation of the past, created a unique period in the Library’s two hundred year history—an information renaissance—and made the Social Law Library a leader among the nation’s law libraries. The Library “firsts” realized during his tenure present a chronology of Social Law Library automation and advancement: The installation of a coin operated copier (1963) and microfilm reader (1972); construction of a micro-fiche production laboratory (1974); production of microfiche editions of the Supreme Judicial Court and Appeals Court Records & Briefs (1975); the Colonial Court Records Program, the nation’s first-ever program for the restoration, preservation and indexing of colonial court records (1975); installation of West Publishing Company’s computerized legal research system WESTLAW (1976); creation of the Copy Center (1984); first endowed book fund established (1984); LEXIS/NEXIS membership group program debuts, one of the first library-based LEXIS subscription services in the country (1986); first organization in the nation to publish state agency information on CD-ROM with publication of Mass. Administrative Law Library (1989), followed by publication of Mass. Substantive Law Library (1992); automation of the Social Law Library catalog with installation of the VTLS Library System (1993); introduction of the Social Law Library Website, (1995); and creation of the TechCenter, providing public computer terminals for online research (1995). As a service to solo and small firm patrons challenged by the high cost of “going digital,” SLL in 1996 became an Internet Service Provider (ISP), and offered email services as well as Web-page design and hosting services (1996). Throughout these years and since, visiting judges, educators, practitioners and librarians have come from throughout the world to learn about the American system of law and the use of technology in legal research.

A graduate of the University of Maine and the Boston College Law School, Mr. Bellefontaine was an extraordinary citizen of the scholarly, legal and law library communities. His published scholarship was on the subject of court rules and on early Massachusetts legal history. His publications include “Post-conviction Remedies under the Rules of Criminal Procedure” (1981); “The Early History of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court” (1990); “Chief Justice Francis Dana: Patriot and Federalist” (1992); “Waitstill Winthrop” (1995); “Honorable Isaac Addington: Fervent Public Servant and Reluctant Chief Justice” (1996); and “Samuel Sewall: The Last Puritan Justice” (1998). He served twenty-two years as a member of the Massachusetts Judicial Records Committee, and was founding Director of the Supreme Judicial Court Historical Society.

In the mid-70’s he served as Reporter for the Massachusetts Judicial Conference Criminal Rules Project and as a Reporter for the Federal Speedy Trial Planning Group for the District of Massachusetts and the District of Rhode Island.

He is a former President of the New England Law Library Consortium and the American Association of Law Libraries’ (AALL’s) State, Court & County Law Libraries Section. He also served on the Law Library Microform Consortium Executive Committee and on a number of AALL special projects and committees. He was also a former member of the Boston College Law School Alumni Council and recipient of its Daniel G. Holland Lifetime Achievement Award.

In 1999 he received the highest distinction bestowed by the American Association of Law Libraries, the Miriam Gould Gallagher Distinguished Service Award. In addition, in 1996, in Edgar Bellefontaine’s honor, the Law Librarians of New England created and awarded him the inaugural Edgar Award for Innovation, Excellence and Dedication to the Practice of Law Librarianship. Other awards and recognitions extended to him include the AALL-SCCLL’s Bethany J. Ochal Award for Distinguished Service to the Profession, West Publishing Company’s Excellence in Government Law Librarianship Award, the Henry C. Lind Award of the Association of the Reporters of Judicial Decisions, and the Chief Justice’s Award for Distinguished Service to the Judiciary.

Founded more than two centuries ago, the Social Law Library is a cornerstone of the Massachusetts legal community—the “level playing field” of legal research essential to the administration of justice. For thirty-seven years, Edgar J. Bellefontaine’s extraordinary leadership transformed and advanced the institution. The Social Law family mourns his passing and sends their condolences to Edgar’s family and many friends.


A memorial service will be held at the Social Law Library. Date to be announced.

Complete an LLNE Survey and Enter to win one of 3 prizes

The Education Survey Committee is working to ensure that LLNE’s educational programs reflect the needs and interests of our members and your feedback is essential. Please take a few moments to fill out the following survey:

All members who complete the survey are eligible to enter a raffle to win one of three prizes — a $100 American Express gift card or one of two $50 American Express gift cards. Once you complete the survey you’ll be redirected to enter the raffle. Note, raffle entries are completely separate and will not be connected to completed survey forms in any way – all surveys will remain anonymous. The deadline for completing the survey and entering the raffle is Friday, May 14th.

Thanks for your Support!

Educational Survey Committee

Cathy Breen, Chair, Membership Development Committee
Diane D’Angelo, Education Director
Amanda Merk, LLNE Member
John Nann, Education Director
Liz Peoples, LLNE Member

New England Law Student Information Literacy Standards


Fellow Law Librarians,

We all work hard to ensure law students and new associates have the needed research skills to expertly face the tasks they are confronted with when beginning practice. Lexis and Westlaw have created certification programs that test students’ proficiency in on-line research on their particular platforms. Could we do something similar for other research skills? What Information Literacy Standards do we think are important for law students? Betsy McKenzie and Susan Vaughn presented this idea at an ABLL meeting this fall. Whether you were able to attend or not, we are looking to keep the conversation moving.

We are hoping some of you can attend a breakfast meeting to discuss next steps.

Items on the Agenda include:

  • Review of the top 10 areas that local law librarians see a need for improved research skills.
  • Can we use the AALL Draft Information Literacy Standards for Law Students as a building block for a certification program?
  • Brainstorming ideas for law student trainings that could satisfy Information Literacy Standards, i.e. Boot-camps, Online Tutorials with quizzes, Advanced Legal Research classes, Library Workshops.

Sound interesting?

Where: Suffolk University Law School,
120 Tremont St, Boston, MA
Moakley Law Library, Corcoran Room, 7th Floor

When: Wednesday, Feb. 24th, 9-10:30 a.m.

RSVP: Susan Vaughn at or 617-573-8199 (seating is limited).

Breakfast will be served; so come hungry (for food as well as interesting conversation)!

LLNE Newsletter: Call for Articles!

Hello LLNE Members –

The next issue of the LLNE News in is the works. We are calling for submissions for our new issue! Feel free to choose any topic, and email us with your ideas.

Also, please continue to forward any news about our members such as recent publications, new jobs, achievements, etc. Thanks to those who have sent member news the past few months!

We need your materials by Nov. 20th!


Kyle K. Courtney & Susan Vaughn

ABLL Meeting

Fellow law librarians,

Don’t miss an interesting breakfast program being hosted by ABLL on Wednesday, October 21st, at Suffolk University Law School.

Betsy McKenzie and Susan Vaughn will present on their research into how computer assisted legal research may be affecting how lawyers do legal analysis. Following this brief presentation, we will have a round table to explore how firm and academic librarians can work together to better prepare new associates for the demands of real world research.

Academic librarians – come and learn what firm librarians think we should be teaching! Firm librarians – come and hear about programs academic librarians are working on to teach students research skills!

For more details, see the ABLL announcement at:

Morningstar Document Research

10-K Wizard is now Morningstar Document Research. The new Document Research platform goes beyond the US annual filings (10-K form) to enable streamlined global company research. Its new name is intended to reflect the breadth of the offering.

While the name has changed, Morningstar Document Research continues to provide the full-text search capabilities, real-time alerts, and robust data extraction tools that are a vital resource for clients who conduct in-depth research. We are also planning to take advantage of additional features and functionality we’ll be able to offer as part of a larger, global organization.

For questions, please call 1-800-365-4608 or visit us at or

Submitted by: Katie Bayer, Marketing Coordinator, Morningstar Document Research

BlogTalkRadio and NELLCO

From BlogTalk Radio:

Announcing an upcoming episode of The Law Librarian, on BlogTalkRadio, with special guest, Tracy Thompson-Przylucki, Executive Director of NELLCO.

Please plan on joining Brian Striman and I as we chat with Tracy about NELLCO and it’s many projects and services. We’ll also discuss the role of Consortia in law librarianship. The “show” will air live at 2:00PM (Central) on Wednesday, July 1. While we’re live we will be able to take call-in or chat-in questions.


Web 2.0 Challenge 2009

Announcing the Web 2.0 Challenge 2009: A Free, Online Course to Introduce Law Librarians to Web 2.0 Technologies

Last year the AALL Computing Services Special Interest Section sponsored the first Web 2.0 Challenge, an online course to introduce law librarians to social software and how to use it in their libraries. The course was so popular CS-SIS is sponsoring it again in 2009.

The Web 2.0 Challenge will provide a free, comprehensive, and social online learning opportunity designed for law librarians that incorporates hands-on use of these technologies. The course is intended for law librarians who have little experience with these technologies but are interested in learning more.

The online course will take place between August 3 and September 6. The five week course will cover these areas:

Week 1: Blogs & RSS
Week 2: Flickr & Social Bookmarking Software
Week 3: Social Networking Software and Twitter
Week 4: Wikis and LibGuides
Week 5: Web 2.0 @ Your Library

Participants will be required to complete a series of weekly activities, including viewing an instructional screencast; completing hands-on exercises based on the lesson; weekly blogging about their experience; and participating in a weekly small group chat session. The course will culminate with each participant developing a proposal for implementing a specific social software tool in their library.

Full enrollment will be limited to approximately one hundred participants. However, course content will be freely viewable to anyone who wishes to follow along. Enrolled participants who complete all activities are eligible for final prize drawings (prizes provided by CS-SIS). Certificates will also be awarded to all participants who complete the course.

We anticipate opening enrollment June 22nd. There is no charge for this course and enrollment will be offered on a first come first served basis.

For more information, visit the CS-SIS website. If you have any questions, you can contact Meg Kribble (mkribble AT law.harvard,edu) or Sally Irvin (irvinsa AT

LLNE Newsletter: Call for Articles!

Hello LLNE Members –

The next issue of the LLNE News in is the works. We are calling for submissions for our new issue! Feel free to choose any topic, and email us with your ideas. Also, please continue to forward any news about our members such as recent publications, new jobs, achievements, etc. Thanks to those who have sent member news the past few months!

We need your materials by June 1st so we can get the issue out before people head off to the AALL meeting in Washington D.C.


Kyle K. Courtney & Susan Vaughn