
Future of Law Libraries Symposium

The never-ending advancements in technology are impacting all aspects of law librarianship and law schools from staffing, to facilities, to faculty support, as well as classroom teaching. In the upcoming symposium, “The Future of Law Libraries,” these issues will be addressed by a panel of nine professionals in the fields of information technology and law librarianship. See our website for registration information and more details about the event:

Please note that the conference hotel, the Amelia Island Plantation, currently has no vacancies. However, Amelia Island is only 13 miles long and there are several hotels within a few miles of the Plantation. See the Chamber of Commerce for more details: or for a listing of area hotels.

We are accepting conference registrations until the end of February.

Maryellen O’Brien

Reference Librarian

Florida Coastal School of Law

Do you have clothes to donate?

The Service Committee is putting together an opportunity to donate career clothing for women in need. There is an organization called Dress for Success, with an office located in Springfield, Mass. This organization provides “interview suits, confidence boosts and career development to more than 45,000 women in over 73 cities each year.” It is a “not-for-profit organization that helps low-income women make tailored transitions into the workforce. Each Dress for Success client receives one suit when she has a job interview and a second suit when she gets the job. The Dress for Success Professional Women’s Group program then provides ongoing support to help the client build a successful career.”

“Women are referred to Dress for Success by a continually expanding array of not-for-profit and government agencies including homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, immigration services and job training programs.”

This organization is currently accepting gently used or new fall and winter clothing in all sizes and any off-season clothing in sizes 14 and up. All clothing should be clean and on hangers. They also will accept accessories, and new, unopened packages of pantyhose. They will only accept unworn or completely unblemished shoes.

While this organization has parameters on what they will accept, we are willing to take any gently used clothing and distribute to

local Goodwill Centers.

If anyone has extra wire hangers they would like to donate, that would be helpful for those who wish to donate clothes but use wooden or plastic hangers.

If anyone is interested in participating in this project, please bring clothing to the spring LLNE meeting on Friday, April 1, 2005 at Harvard. Barbara West and Pat Newcombe will accept the clothing at this meeting and distribute to the organizations.

Thanks for your help.

Barbara West

Pat Newcombe

Co-chairs, LLNE Service Committee

Simmons GSLIS Continuing Education Courses

Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science is offering a host of continuing education courses, including several online workshops. LLNE’s own Sharon Persons and Susan Vaughn (both co-editors of LLNE News) join Raquel Ortiz (President) in teaching Introduction to Legal Research on Saturday, June 25, 2005, 9:00am-5:00pm at Suffolk University Law School. Susan is also teaching Blogging and RSS – NOW! on Saturday, April 23, 2005, 1:30-5:00pm at the Simmons College campus. (Check out Susan’s article “RSS to the Information Overload” on page 19 of Volume 24, number 2 (2004) of LLNE News.)

LLNE Newsletter Posted

We are pleased to announce that the final issue of the LLNE Newsletter for 2004, Volume 24, Number 4, has been published to the website at

If you are interested in submitting an article for the next LLNE Newsletter, please contact Susan Vaughn at, or Sharon Persons at The deadline for submissions is March 25, 2005.