Update From the Technology Committee

Greetings from the LLNE Technology Committee 

The duties of the LLNE Technology Committee include working with LLNE committees to find and implement technology solutions, maintaining and developing the LLNE.org website, and supporting the LLNE listservs. The LLNE Technology Committee Co-Chairs, Artie & Alex are available to assist committees with technology solutions. Currently LLNE has access to many technology products which committees can utilize. Some of these are mentioned below. 


Our listserv, mail-list.com allows us to have multiple listservs going at the same time. We currently have a general listserv and an executive board listserv. Does your committee need its own listserv? Let us know and we will set it up.  


Does your committee need to post LLNE related video content? LLNE has a Vimeo account which we use for video hosting. Please contact us for more information. 


WordPress is one of the most common tools used for building websites. Our website is built on WordPress and it is both easy enough to use for those unfamiliar with web design and robust enough for those well versed in HTML. WordPress also has thousands of plug-ins which add many different features to the website. Plug-ins we currently use include: 

  • Akismet Anti-Spam 
  • Google Analytics 
  • Yoast SEO 
  • MemberPress 


Memberpress is a handy tool which does quite a few things. We originally obtained this WordPress plug-in to establish members-only access for certain pages, but many of its other features have provend useful. Here are some of the features: 

  • Making certain parts of the website available only to logged-in LLNE members. 
  • Collecting new member data. 
  • Keeping track of and collecting (thru PayPal) membership dues.  

Does your committee need to post content only available to members? We can set up specific content so it can only be viewed by members logged into llne.org.   


Signups for LLNE events are often handled using JotForm. JotForm can collect registration information and payments. If you are working on an upcoming LLNE event, contact us about using JotForm. 


SurveyMonkey is used for, you guessed it, creating surveys. Do you need to create a survey for LLNE purposes? Contact us and we can help get you started.  

Save the Date for the LLNE & SNELLA Fall 2020 Virtual Conference

The University of Connecticut School of Law Library is proud to host the LLNE & SNELLA Fall 2020 Virtual Conference on October 16, 2020. The conference focuses on the concept of Dismantling Bias in many aspects of our lives and profession.

Participants of the virtual conference will come away with an increased ability to:
• Address their own personal biases
• Recognize biases within their communities, law libraries, and collections
• Identify potential ways in which libraries can eliminate voter suppression
• Discuss potential solutions on how law libraries can continue these conversations at their own institutions

More information on session topics, speakers, and registration will be coming in the weeks to come. In the meantime, save the date!

Call for submissions: Fall 2018 Meeting, Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018

Call for submissions: Fall 2018 Meeting, Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018

We are taking things online this fall, and hosting our fall meeting as a webinar, titled: “Failures to Fixes: How you took an L, and turned it into a W”

Thank you for your interest in submitting a proposal for the fall 2018 LLNE meeting. The LLNE Education Directors, Danitta Wong and Shira Megerman, are looking for speakers from all libraries in all departments.  Libraries today move at a fast pace, and trying to keep current does not always work.  Let us know about your experience in failure, and how you worked to not fall into a pattern of repeat mistakes.  We welcome educational and informative proposals that will help others learn from what worked and did not work for you, and we are especially interested in proposals that developed expanded and innovative current practices out of your failed attempts.  The overall program will result in a diverse array of presenters and perspectives, from firm, court, and academic libraries, and all departments therein (collection services, access services, and research services), submissions permitting.

Presentations should be 40 minutes long, with 10 minutes for Q&A from the online forum.

Proposals must be submitted to both Danitta and Shira by 5:00pm, Oct. 26, 2018.  Presenters will be notified on Nov. 2, 2018 of their selection.

Your submission must include the following:

  • Submission title
  • Names, affiliations, and email addresses  of presenters
  • Description of session, or abstract (250-500 words max): Please include two or three takeaways, learning objectives, or questions for attendees.
  • Brief summary (1-2 sentences) to be used in the program agenda
  • Please indicate if you have presented on the topic previously, and at what conference
  • Please select an AALL Body of Knowledge Domain that applies to your proposal. For more information: https://www.aallnet.org/education-training/bok/:
    • Professionalism + leadership at every level
    • Research + analysis
    • Information Management
    • Teaching  + Training
    • Marketing + Outreach
    • Management + Business Acumen

Danitta Wong: dwong@nutter.com               Shira Megerman: megerman@bu.edu

Nomination Slate for 2017/2018

Dear LLNE Members,

On behalf of the Nominating Committee, we would like to present the slate of LLNE officers for 2017/2018:

Vice President/President Elect:  Catherine Biondo, Senior Law Librarian: Legal Reference Services, Northeastern University School of Law Library

Treasurer:  Rick Buckingham, Director of the Law Library and Information Resources & Associate Professor of Legal Research, Suffolk University Law School Library

Education Director: Ellen Phillips, Serials Supervisor, UNH School of Law Library

Thank you,

2017 LLNE Nominating Committee:
Mindy Kent, Chair
Josh LaPorte
Barbara Schneider

Updated: Fall 2016 Meeting

The LLNE Fall Meeting will be held in Portland Maine, at the Westin Harborview Hotel on Friday October 28, 2016.  For links to the conference and hotel reservations see: http://lawguides.mainelaw.maine.edu/c.php?g=562485

The program, entitled By The Numbers: Law Library Assessment, will focus on the tools used for data collection in law libraries and assessment of all segments of law librarianship.  Teresa Migel-Sterns, Director of the Yale Law Library will talk about ALLStAR Benchmarking, a tool to be used in academic law libraries for data collection and analysis.

Scott Bailey, Director of Research Services at Squire Sanders in D.C., will be discussing a project he and the Private Law Librarians & Information Professionals SIS of AALL has developed for assessing the work of private law libraries.

A third session will be an UN-Conference focusing on the new ABA Standards for Outcome Assessments and what academic law librarians are doing to comply with these standards in their legal research instruction.  This will be led by Stephanie Weigmann, Associate Director for Research, Faculty Services and Educational Technology at Boston University School of Law.

Last, but certainly not least, the afternoon will be capped off with a celebration of LLNE’s 70th Anniversary.  There will be cake and champagne and displays filled with LLNE memories!  So reach out to the retired members you still keep in touch with and invite them to join us in our celebration!

Registration for the meeting will be 40.00 per person, with a reduced rate for retired LLNE members and students (20.00).  There is a block of rooms set aside for this meeting at the Westin Harborview Hotel to be reserved at a reduced rate.

Fall 2016 LLNE Meeting

By The Numbers—Law Library Assessment

In this era where libraries MUST prove their worth and value to the institutions they serve, data collection and library assessment has become an essential duty we must all undertake.  Data collection and analysis will allow librarians to better understand and quantify the library’s strengths and weaknesses, determine the drivers of demand on the library’s resources, along with changes in those demands, and to properly allocate resources.  Improved understanding of the data generated will allow librarians to justify resources needed, motivate staff, and better plan for the future.

At the fall LLNE meeting, attendees will be introduced to tools used for law library data collection and assessment for all segments of law librarianship.  We will also be celebrating LLNE’s 70th Anniversary with a program highlighting LLNE’s history and accomplishments.  Please be on the lookout for more details as they develop.

The meeting will be held at the Westin Portland Haborview Hotel in Portland Maine (http://www.westinportlandharborview.com/) on October 28, 2016.  We look forward to seeing you there!

LLNE & ABLL Spring 2016: Access to Government Information

Registration for the LLNE / ABLL Spring 2016 meeting is now open! The theme of the meeting is “Access to Government Information.” We will be spending the day discussing the role of law libraries and the government in providing access to this information, and why it is so critically important.

Registration is $50 for LLNE members, and $40 for ABLL members.

Space is Limited! Register today at http://lawlibraryguides.neu.edu/LLNE2016.