
LLNE Scholarships for Annual Meeting in San Antonio: deadline April 20, 2005

The LLNE Spring Meeting is still to come, but it is time to think ahead to AALL this summer. If you are worried about paying for the trip to San Antonio, consider applying for an LLNE scholarship. If you know someone who may not be able to attend without some financial help, please encourage him/her to apply.

For each Annual Meeting & Conference, AALL underwrites one free full registration for a number of chapters on a rotating basis and it is LLNE’s year in 2005. AALL’s intent is to encourage newer members, though the chapter Board may consider other criteria. The Scholarship Committee will consider all applicants for both the AALL registration grant and the LLNE funded awards.

Application forms are available on the LLNE website at :
Please complete the application and send or fax it to:

Margaret Cianfarini, Chair
LLNE Scholarship Committee
Harvard Law School Library
Langdell Hall
1545 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02138
Fax: 617-496-4409

The deadline for applications is Wednesday, April 20, 2005.

Proposed ABA Revisions

At a recent meeting, the Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar approved for notice and comment revisions to Chapter 6 (Library and Information Resources, Chapter 7 (Facilities) and Chapter 1 (General Purposes and Practices).
(Note that the Chapter 7 revisions include a new section regarding technology.)

Read a March 8th memorandum containing the proposed revisions at

The memo encouages comments by May 3, 2005 for their adequate consideration. You may e-mail Stephen Yandle, Deputy Consultant at

sources: ABA’s Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar and Law Librarian Blog

Need financial assistance for San Antonio? Deadline fast approaching…

Are you a newer law librarian or graduate student in need financial support to attend the AALL Annual Meeting or one of the workshops in San Antonio? Apply for an AALL Annual Meeting or Workshop grant. See for the application. Note that the deadline is April 1, 2005!