new LLRX article discussing Maine and New Hampshire legislative histories

Susan H. Paschell, a Legislative Specialist at Gallagher, Callahan and Gartrell, P.C. recently published The State of Online Legislative Research and What Makes a Good Legislative History on LLRX. The article discusses researching legislative histories in Maine and New Hampshire.

Materials from presentations in San Antonio

We have noticed that presentation materials from some programs at the AALL Annual Meeting in San Antonio have been posted in various locations. Be sure to check out the following examples:

Professor Jerry Kang (UCLA School of Law) has posted presentation materials from Plenary II: Pervasive Computing: Embedding the Public Sphere to the Talks page of his website.

Lolly Gasaway’s PowerPoint presentation for Multimedia Presentations: How to Get Copyright Clearance and other Permissions for Digital Projects which is linked at the Computing Services-SIS Resource Page for Copyright and Licensing Digital Materials, also prepared for the program by Therese A. Clarke Arado.

Supplementary materials for “Don’t Throw That Away!”: Ensuring Future Access to Legal Information in an Age of Digital Media” have been posted at

Want to “hear” what you missed? Tapes and CD’s of San Antonio programs are available for purchase.

reminder: program proposals for St. Louis due August 15th

Just a reminder that program proposals for next year’s AALL Annual Meeting in St. Louis, Missouri are due Monday, August 15, 2005. For more information, see the 2006 Annual Meeting Program Committee website. “Pioneering Change” is the theme of the meeting.

On a related note, AALL President Claire M. Germain is looking for your input. If you missed her e-mail, From the Desk.