Update on Book Drive (LLNE Service Committee)

Recognizing that law librarians have unique skills to offer to the New England community and to foster a spirit of cooperation among the membership, the LLNE Service Committee has been charged with identifying, publicizing and promoting volunteer and community service activities. This year we have chosen “Outreach to Public Libraries” as our service initiative, and have begun a legal book drive to benefit public libraries throughout New England. In the interest of promoting access to the law and legal information, and guided by the Public Libraries Toolkit Collection Guidelines, we developed a wish list of reference-type law books. We intend to assemble complete mini-collections of these legal books and donate one collection to a public library in each of the New England states that do not regularly have such material as part of their collection. We hope these books will benefit members of the public and public reference librarians and help increase access to legal information in our region.

We have completed a mini-collection for Massachusetts and are in the process of identifying and selecting a library for the collection.

This is where you come in…

After receiving member donations at our Spring and Fall meetings, as well as receiving tremendous library, LLNE, and vendor support, we are still looking for donations of the following titles:

1. Maine Law Enforcement Officer’s Manual (2013-16)
2. The Criminal Law Handbook (13th, 2013)
3. How to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy (18th, 2013)
4. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy (11th, 2012)
5. New Hampshire Practice & Procedure Handbook (2014)
6. Practical Guide to Divorce in New Hampshire (1st, 2012 supp.)
7. New Hampshire Special Education Law Manual (5th, 2009)
8. Divorce in Vermont (2006)
9. Divorce Law Guide from A to Z (2012)
10. The Probate Process from Start to Finish (2013)
11. Rhode Island Zoning for Non-Lawyers (2008)

We are also accepting monetary donations.

For more information about these titles or this project, please contact one of the committee members.

Catherine Biondo (chair), Legal Reference Librarian at Northeastern University School of Law Library
Nicole Dyszlewski, Senior Law Librarian at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library
Joshua LaPorte, Circulation Desk Supervisor and Library Services Assistant at UConn School of Law Thomas J. Meskill Law Library
Rebecca Martin, Digital & Bibliographic Resources Librarian at Boston University School of Law Pappas Law Library

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