LLNE Wrap-Up

LLNE’s 2022-2023 year wrapped up with a great Spring meeting on the NextGen Bar exam. New England School of Law Boston put on an excellent, informative program that raised money for three different scholarship funds to help students studying for the bar. 

The LLNE Strategic Planning committee is off and running to define our goals and objectives for the next few years. We will have a mission statement and goals defined in time for Sara’s year as president to begin. The Ethical Principles committee is also getting started and will implement the ethical principles LLNE agreed to last year. The Bylaws committee wrapped up its work this year and the updated bylaws were officially adopted at the Spring meeting. 

All the LLNE committees had a wonderful year; look for the upcoming Annual Report to summarize committee activities for the year. Thank you all for another productive year in LLNE! 

Anna Lawless Collins, BU Law, outgoing LLNE President

Sara Monalea McMahon, Hampshire Law Library, incoming LLNE President

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