LLNE Spring Meeting
April 17, 2009
Cascade Banquet Facility
Hamden, Connecticut
Hosted by Quinnipiac University Law Library Staff
Registration Deadline Extended!
If you have not registered for the LLNE Spring Meeting yet, you’re in luck! The deadline has been extended and we have room for a few more people if you would like to attend. This meeting on Animal Law promises to be a thought-provoking and informative day. We hope you will join us.
Register here: http://law.quinnipiac.edu/llneregistration.xml
If you need accommodations, call the Clarion Hotel & Suites. The group rate of $99 is still available. You will need to make your reservation by phone at (203) 288-3831 and tell them this is for the Law Librarians of New England meeting hosted by Quinnipiac University School of Law Library.
Contact Mike Hughes at (203) 582-3318 if you have any questions.