
LLNE Scholarship Announcement

The 2008 AALL Meeting in Portland is only a few months away. The LLNE Scholarship Committee is now accepting applications for support to help pay the costs of attending. Applications are due by April 30. The policies and application forms are available on the LLNE website at:

Completed applications should be sent by mail or fax to:

Margaret Cianfarini Chair,
LLNE Scholarship Committee
Harvard Law School Library
1545 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02138

Northeastern Law Library Presents: Bringing Human Rights Home

Northeastern University School of Law Library is co-sponsoring a panel discussion on Human Rights in the United States

Bringing Human Rights Home: A Panel Discussion on Human Rights in the United States
Moderated by Professor Martha Davis
Thursday, April 3, 2008
At Noon
333 Curry Student Center
Refreshments will be served

Sponsored by the NU School of Law Library, NU Libraries, the NUSL Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy, and the NU Bookstore. Formore information or for special needs assistance, please contact MariaCarpenter at or 617.373.2821.

Program: The anthology Uncertain Freedoms—the struggle for human rights, edited byMartha Davis, recounts the tumultuous history and politics of socialjustice action in the US. It examines the ways in which human rightsactivism has flourished and faltered within the US—and the differencesbetween the US’s domestic and international involvement in human rights.
Join us for an illuminating discussion by a panel of experts on topics asbroad ranging as civil rights, globalization and terrorism, and theirintersection with human rights.

Panel: Editor of the anthology and Northeastern Law Professor Martha Daviswill moderate a panel discussion with guests Hope Lewis, NU Professor ofLaw; Wendy Pollack, Senior Attorney for the Sargent Shriver National Centeron Poverty Law; Alec Irwin, Associate Director of the Francois-XavierBagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights at the Harvard School of PublicHealth; and Catherine Albisa, Executive Director of the National Economicand Social Rights Initiative.

LLNE Newsletter Call for Articles

Hello LLNE Members –

The next issue of the LLNE News in is the works. We are calling for submissions for our new issue! Feel free to choose any topic, and email us with your ideas.

Also, please forward any news about our members such as recent publications, new jobs, achievements, etc. We need your materials by April 11th so we can get the issue out before people head off to the LLNE meeting in Maine!


Kyle K. Courtney & Susan Vaughn

November 2007 Volunteer Opportunities

The LLNE Service Committee is pleased to announce two upcoming volunteer opportunities with Community Servings, an organization that prepares, packages and delivers meals to individuals homebound with acute life-threatening illnesses and unable to shop or cook for themselves. The events, both associated with the organization’s annual Pie in the Sky fundraiser, will take place Saturday, November 10th and Saturday, November 17th. For additional details, please contact Jennifer Kessler, LLNE Service Committee Chair, at or (617) 305-6708.

Pie Box Labeling and Distribution to Restaurants
Saturday, November 10th
9:00am – 2:00pm
Greater Boston Food Bank

Help make and label 13,000 pie boxes at the Greater Boston Food Bank. After labeling, we’ll deliver bundles of pie boxes to the restaurants that will fill them.

Pie Baking
Saturday, November 17th
Time and Location TBA

Additional details will be provided once confirmed. Last year a large group convened at Hynes Convention Center to help bake extra pies needed to meet the impressive demand. Depending on this year’s numbers, shifts will be planned for either the morning or afternoon of November 17th. Please let Jennifer know if you are interested and when you might be available to assist that day.

LLNE Newsletter – Your help

Hello LLNE Members –

The next issue of the LLNE News in is the works. We are calling for submissions for our new issue. Feel free to choose any topic, but we can also supply some ideas. You could tell us about:

  • an interesting program at the AALL annual meeting
  • any interesting travels from the summer
  • a great resource or new product that you’ve discovered that you would like to share

Lastly, please forward to me any news about our members such as recent publications, new jobs, achievements, etc. We need your materials by October 11th so we can get the issue out before people head off to the big LLNE meeting in Toronto!


Kyle K. Courtney & Susan Vaughn

Announcing the LLNE Introduction to Legal Research Course

Seven weeks of hands-on instruction in the basic skills and materials of legal research, taught by experienced law librarians from the membership of the Law Librarians of New England (LLNE).

Monday Evenings September 10, 2007 to October 29, 2007 (no class on Oct. 8)
6:00p.m. to 8:30p.m.At the Boston College Law School, 885 Centre Street, Newton Centre, MA
Directions available at
Topics covered include:
What is Law? – What is Legal Research?
Basic Legal Research Finding Aids
Shepard’s and KeyCite
The Importance of Cases, Court Structure, and Court Reporting National Reporter System and West Digests
Statutes & Legislative History
Administrative Law & Loose-leaf Services
Secondary Sources
On-line Services – LEXIS and WESTLAW
Strategy – How to approach a problem
Hands-on Research Exercises
Course fee: $150 Registration deadline, September 7, 2007.To reserve your place, or for more information, contact Joan Shear at 617-552-2895.
Registration form and course syllabus will soon be available on the LLNE website.

AALL Meeting – Must See Presentation!

Need A Short But Informative Program to Wind Down The AALL Conference?

Consider “Casting A Wider Net.” This program will explore online catalog applications beyond traditional library uses.

Tuesday, July 17, 2:45 p.m. – 3:15 p.m., EMCC- Room 224

by David M. Turkalo, Assistant Director For Technical Services, Suffolk University Law Library, Boston, and Program Coordinator

The Technical Services SIS-sponsored program, “Casting A Wider Net: The Challenges And Rewards Of Making Your Online Catalog A Useful Tool Beyond The Law Library” will offer an informative look at the processes and procedures that the Suffolk University Law School’s Moakley Law Library used in making the School’s Career Development Office’s separately housed and maintained collection of materials part of the University catalog. And, going that “one step beyond” where many librarians have great trepidation about going, allowing the personnel of that office to circulate the materials themselves. Two featured speakers from the frontlines of the project, Suffolk Systems Services Librarian (and incoming Chair of the Innovative Law Users Group (ILUG)), Sarah Boling, will speak on the technical services aspects of the project, while Circulation Services Librarian Sabrina Holley-Williams will provide the public services perspective, followed by a Q & A and Discussion period as time allows.