Welcome & Greetings from the Editors

Hi everyone! Welcome to the LLNE Blog from the editors, Anna Lawless and Brian Flaherty.  We’re looking forward to making the LLNE Blog a place where readers can find out what’s happening with LLNE, it members, and its committees.  We also hope it will be a place to come for discussions and general advice and thoughts about law librarianship.  If you’d like to contribute to the blog please contact Anna at lawlessa@bu.edu .  We’re looking forward to working with all of you!

About the Editors

Anna Lawless is the Collection Development Librarian at the Fineman & Pappas Law Libraries at Boston University.  She’s interested in collections and the technical services side of libraries.  Brian Flaherty is a Reference Librarian at New England Law Boston.  He is interested in teaching and providing reference services to the academic population.

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