Update from the Education Committee

The first thing I ever wrote professionally was in the LLNE newsletter entitled, “I Didn’t realize I needed a Nametag: And Other Confessions of a First Time AALL Annual Meeting Attendee. I was able to attend my first national meeting in 2007 thanks to the LLNE scholarship and writing the piece was a big deal to me.

Rereading the piece, I am struck by my enthusiasm – and how cliché it all reads, I was not providing new and insightful comments. But, it does remind me of the value of continuing to expand and renew our knowledge as knowledge professionals. And even for those of us with more experience, everything is new to someone.

As the newer co-Education Director (Can we pause and marvel at the fancy title) with Maureen Quinlan, I agreed to run because of the value of education for all members of our organizations.

Now, in a pandemic we have to rethink how we educate and connect members while keeping our libraries afloat. Somewhere I read that we need to remember we’re not working from home, we’re working from home during a pandemic. Now, many of us are also staffing open libraries. Its daunting, emotional work. Our members are also furloughed, laid off or job hunting. How can we help them and their professional development? So if you have ideas for education, or ways LLNE can assist members, please let Maureen, I or any member of the LLNE Board know.

Jessica Panella


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