Northeastern Law Library Presents: Bringing Human Rights Home

Northeastern University School of Law Library is co-sponsoring a panel discussion on Human Rights in the United States

Bringing Human Rights Home: A Panel Discussion on Human Rights in the United States
Moderated by Professor Martha Davis
Thursday, April 3, 2008
At Noon
333 Curry Student Center
Refreshments will be served

Sponsored by the NU School of Law Library, NU Libraries, the NUSL Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy, and the NU Bookstore. Formore information or for special needs assistance, please contact MariaCarpenter at or 617.373.2821.

Program: The anthology Uncertain Freedoms—the struggle for human rights, edited byMartha Davis, recounts the tumultuous history and politics of socialjustice action in the US. It examines the ways in which human rightsactivism has flourished and faltered within the US—and the differencesbetween the US’s domestic and international involvement in human rights.
Join us for an illuminating discussion by a panel of experts on topics asbroad ranging as civil rights, globalization and terrorism, and theirintersection with human rights.

Panel: Editor of the anthology and Northeastern Law Professor Martha Daviswill moderate a panel discussion with guests Hope Lewis, NU Professor ofLaw; Wendy Pollack, Senior Attorney for the Sargent Shriver National Centeron Poverty Law; Alec Irwin, Associate Director of the Francois-XavierBagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights at the Harvard School of PublicHealth; and Catherine Albisa, Executive Director of the National Economicand Social Rights Initiative.

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