Hi, LLNE members! My name is Boaty McBoatface Dyszlewski and I am the LLNE’s “first” dog. My mom is Nicole the current President of LLNE and the Head of Reference, Instruction, & Engagement at Roger Williams University School of Law Library. I was interviewed this October by the pup-arazzi, the co-chairs of the LLNE Communications Committee. They will be presenting interviews with the pets of the LLNE Executive Board in an attempt to allow LLNE members to get to know the board better. Here is their first interview and I am pleased to present a transcript of our conversation:
Ellen: Hi, Boaty McBoatface. Thanks for sitting down with us today.
Sara: Thank you for granting us this exclusive interview.
Ellen: We want to get to know the real Nicole better and we thought we could start by asking you a few questions.
Sara: What does Nicole do for fun?
Boaty: Nicole really likes to talk. She really likes to talk. She also likes to play board games, watch horror movies, read books about serial killers, and she is an iced tea snob. She also collects Presidential Pez dispensers and loves to travel. Her most recent, pre-COVID trip was to Poland.
Ellen: What is your favorite thing about Nicole?
Boaty: She is a really big thinker. And she saved me from a shelter in New Orleans. So really I have 2 favorites.
Sara: What is your least favorite thing about Nicole?
Boaty: This is easy. I have two. One is her weird obsession with Justin Bieber. She says it’s ironic but I don’t know. The other is that every Halloween she dresses me up in a costume. This is my low point every year. I have tried to explain to her that this is undignified for a dog of my age and stature but she doesn’t relent. Look at the pictures. I’m clearly miserable.

Ellen: What is Nicole’s favorite guilty pleasure?
Boaty: Nicole is an unabashed fan of reality tv so I don’t think I could call that her guilty pleasure. I think I would say her guilty pleasure is Jason Derulo. Did you know that he has a greatest hits album? I do.
Sara: We are down to our final question, if Nicole won the lottery, what would she do with the money?
Boaty: We have discussed this at length so I am confident in my answer. Nicole is really passionate about deconstructing the prison industrial complex, so she would use funds to work towards that. She would also buy me a puppy, she promised!
Sara: Thank you for your time today! Next month we will be speaking with Allegra, Andante, and Parker Frentzen