Hi Everyone,
LLNE leadership hopes that everyone’s fall semester is wrapping up nicely and that you’re entering winter and the holiday season healthy. LLNE has had a wonderful fall with lots of things happening that we wanted to update you about.
The new Executive Board had its first meeting at the end of September, right before we held the Fall Conference in New Bedford. The Bylaws Committee finished their work updating our Bylaws and those changes have been sent to AALL for approval. Additionally the Statement of Ethical Principles was approved by the membership by 84.4%. President Anna Lawless-Collins has placed a call for volunteers to join an ad hoc committee to help put those ethical principles into practice. If you are interested in joining that committee please contact Anna to let her know.
On October 7th, LLNE gathered for its fall conference “Chasing the Law of Whaling into the 21st Century” in New Bedford at the Waypoint Event Center, with a trip to the New Bedford Whaling Museum. Attendees had the privilege of hearing from Mark Procknik, the Museum’s Research Librarian; Professor K. Bercaw Edwards from the University of Connecticut; and, Professor Charles H. Norchi from University of Maine Law about the history of whaling in New Bedford, MA and learning about maritime legal research. In the afternoon, attendees has the opportunity to check out the New Bedford Whaling Museum and to hear more from Librarian Mark Procknik. Mark pulled some historical documents for attendees to look over and he gave another short presentation about some of the materials brought out.
Coming up in January, Executive Board members will be gathering for its annual winter retreat where members will be working on strategic planning for LLNE. Additionally, the spring LLNE meeting has been planned for April 14, 2023, hosted by The Law Library at New England Law and The Association of Boston Law Librarians (ABLL) and will focus on “A NextGen Curriculum for a NextGen Bar”. Mark your calendars to join us!