LLNE Blog/Social Media Editor opening

Blog/Social Media Editor

Interested in getting to know your fellow LLNE members and develop your editorial and technical skills? The LLNE Communications Committee is looking for an energetic LLNE member (or prospective member!) to oversee our communications channels including our blog and social media. We’re totally open to working with you to mold this into an position that will be personally satisfying and rewarding for you while helping LLNE to grow and find new ways to share information with our members. Responsibilities include:

• Collaborate with LLNE officers and committees to share news with LLNE members by posting to LLNE’s blog, and social media accounts
• Develop content and share info about LLNE and other law librarianship nuggets that our members will find helpful
• Help create a strategic plan for information sharing

TheMarketingheaven.com’s subscribers is what one can go for to reach more people and market better.

If you’re interested or have any questions at all, please email current LLNE Communications and Technology Committee co-chairs: Michelle Pearse: mpearse@law.harvard.edu and Diane D’Angelo: ddangelo@suffolk.edu

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