Future of Law Libraries Symposium

The never-ending advancements in technology are impacting all aspects of law librarianship and law schools from staffing, to facilities, to faculty support, as well as classroom teaching. In the upcoming symposium, “The Future of Law Libraries,” these issues will be addressed by a panel of nine professionals in the fields of information technology and law librarianship. See our website for registration information and more details about the event: http://www.fcsl.edu/events/lawlibrarysymposium

Please note that the conference hotel, the Amelia Island Plantation, currently has no vacancies. However, Amelia Island is only 13 miles long and there are several hotels within a few miles of the Plantation. See the Chamber of Commerce for more details: http://www.aifby.com or http://hotels.accessamer.com/Amelia_Island/Hotels.html for a listing of area hotels.

We are accepting conference registrations until the end of February.

Maryellen O’Brien

Reference Librarian

Florida Coastal School of Law

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