Complete an LLNE Survey and Enter to win one of 3 prizes

The Education Survey Committee is working to ensure that LLNE’s educational programs reflect the needs and interests of our members and your feedback is essential. Please take a few moments to fill out the following survey:

All members who complete the survey are eligible to enter a raffle to win one of three prizes — a $100 American Express gift card or one of two $50 American Express gift cards. Once you complete the survey you’ll be redirected to enter the raffle. Note, raffle entries are completely separate and will not be connected to completed survey forms in any way – all surveys will remain anonymous. The deadline for completing the survey and entering the raffle is Friday, May 14th.

Thanks for your Support!

Educational Survey Committee

Cathy Breen, Chair, Membership Development Committee
Diane D’Angelo, Education Director
Amanda Merk, LLNE Member
John Nann, Education Director
Liz Peoples, LLNE Member

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