Dear Colleagues,

I just wanted to let you know that I have made some significant changes to our International Law News webpage:

As you know, we previously had tried to manually monitor news in this area, however the task was so formidable that we changed the website so that it only pointed to news sources.

Well now thanks to NewsGator a free service that lets you monitor and organize your news feeds and blogs – we now have live headlines updated in real time for a number of topics.

Check out our headlines and news sources for the UN, the EU, World News, the WTO and more. Also note that some tables of contents plus abstracts are available for current journal titles also.


Annette L. Demers BA LLB MLIS
Reference Librarian for International, Foreign and Comparative Law
Harvard Law School Library
506 Areeda Hall
Cambridge, MA 02138

SAVE THE DATE: Simmons GSLIS Reception in San Antonio

Good morning Simmons GSLIS Alumni/ae and Students-

As you make your plans for AALL, please be sure to include the Simmons GSLIS Alumni/ae Reception on your calendar (or enter it in your PDA)!

All Alumni/ae, students, and friends of Simmons are invited to:

Simmons GSLIS Alumni/ae Reception
Sunday, July 17, 2005
6:30PM – 8:15PM
Location: To Be Announced

Please RSVP and/or send your questions to me at

Hope to see you there!

Raquel Ortiz

Joint LLNE/SNELLA luncheon at AALL Annual Meeting in San Antonio

Greetings from Boston! Please join your LLNE and SNELLA colleagues for the annual joint luncheon and LLNE business meeting on Tuesday, July 19. The registration form is available on the LLNE website at

The registration deadline is June 13, 2005.

At the business meeting, we will hold the elections for new officers. In addition, this year’s meeting includes an important vote on amendments to the LLNE Constitution and Bylaws. Nominations and the proposed amendments will be disseminated to members later this spring, per the LLNE constitution.

I look forward to seeing you in San Antonio.

Raquel Ortiz, LLNE President