Welcome to the 2020-2021 membership year for LLNE!

My name is Nicole and I am the new LLNE president. I would like to start my year thanking those members of the Executive Board who have completed their service on August 1st:

Kathy Fletcher

Catherine Biondo

Shira Megerman

Michelle Pearse

Each of these women have served for multiple years on the Board and several have served in many capacities in LLNE leadership. We are so grateful for their service to this organization. One incredible thing about Kathy, Catherine, Shira, and Michelle is their willingness to pitch in and help out. Even after stepping down from their prior positions on the Executive Board, some of them have already re-enlisted in various volunteer roles. I am so proud to be leading an organization that has a reputation for service and leadership and I only hope that tradition can continue this year with me.

I would also like to thank the new members of the Executive Board, whom I will introduce in a future post. Thank you, new Executive Board!

This year has been disquieting. I intended to make my year as LLNE President flashy and celebratory but that doesn’t seem to fit where we find ourselves right now as a nation and as a profession. Instead, I intend the year to be more reflective as we think about our commitment to justice, equity, our profession, and our membership.

This week our Executive Board had its first meeting of the year and began conversations about several projects aligned with our values as an organization. I hope to share more about these as they become more defined and as we start work on them. For now, this was just a message of gratitude and welcome.

Finally, the budget our board approved for the coming year as well as a budget summary for last fiscal year can be found at https://llne.org/budget-subcommittee/. You must be logged in as a member to view the documents.

Thank you,


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