Justice matters. Black lives matter.

Dear LLNE members,

The Law Librarians of New England is an organization committed to justice for all. We strive to foster compassion, dignity, inclusionequity, equality, and respect in our profession and beyond. This includes the strongly held belief that justice matters. Black lives matter.

During this time of racial, political, social, and community unrest, after the killing of so many Black people in our country, including George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others, it is important for people and organizations to examine and re-examine their values and identity. It is also critical to affirm the importance of action and intention. It is important to live your values loudly. As individual members of the Executive Board we do not pretend to understand the experience of the Black community, and therefore listening and supporting the movement is crucial.  Per our bylaws, our purpose is “promoting the profession of law librarianship, and more particularly, to enhance the roles of law librarians in the legal and library professions, to provide for the further professional education of law librarians, to establish a continuing relationship between law librarians and legal entities in New England, and to foster a spirit of cooperation among the members of the profession.” 

We therefore want you to know we are committed to systemic change and doing work which furthers equity, access, and justice for the Black community not only in our country, but within our organization. 

Law librarianship and the rule of law cannot happen without us supporting and standing with Black lives because they matter. Black Lives Matter. Period.

Nicole P. Dyszlewski, LLNE Vice President, on behalf of the LLNE Executive Board