Dear LLNE members and friends,
2020 is totally bonkers.
First, we hope you are safe and healthy, and that your family members are also safe and healthy.
Second, we would like to invite you to our LLNE Online Spring meeting. This meeting is intended as a celebration of the resilience of our community, all of whom have been going above and beyond to support their work places and institutions. While we recognize that not everyone may be well enough or interested in attending a meeting, we are hoping to provide community and togetherness by holding this meeting.
Third, a few notes about the day.
- This is being provided for free for members of LLNE and some other local organizations. We decided against seeking sponsorship because this event is the result of the hard work of our community and we wanted to promote that.
- You can register for each session separately. We do not expect you to stay for the whole day. Rather, you should come and go as you feel appropriate and as you feel the sessions apply to your work,
- Several of the sessions are unconference discussion sessions. Feel free to veer off topic or bounce around topics. This day is for our members and the session titles are just a starting point.
- You can snack, drink tea, or eat lunch during the sessions.
- The sessions are being recorded. We are trying to increase access to members who could not participate but would like to view the content.
Finally, gratitude is in order. We would like to thank the staff at BC Law who were in the midst of planning an in-person Spring 2020 meeting when COVID-19 happened. They have graciously agreed to participate in one of our sessions online. Thanks also go to Shira Megerman and Maureen Quinlan, LLNE’s Education Directors who didn’t flinch when we discussed making this an online meeting and have done so much work so quickly. Next, we should thank BU Law for providing us the technology we will be using. Finally, I would like to thank the entirety of the LLNE Executive Board. They have been such kind and gracious problem solvers, and have given generously of their time, even during this crisis.
Nicole P. Dyszlewski, LLNE Vice President on behalf of the Executive Board