Josh LaPorte to chair Access to Justice Committee

I’m Josh, the new chair of the Access to Justice committee. I want to take a moment to reintroduce myself. Formerly, I served as a co-chair of the LLNE Service Committee. I am excited to work with this committee to continue LLNE’s outreach and to develop support for access to justice initiatives.

Prior to law libraries, I worked as a community organizer in Hartford, CT. I worked primarily on tenant & housing issues, education, and jobs. So much need exists for legal information, advice, and guidance. Later, I volunteered extensively with the Connecticut Fair Housing Center’s foreclosure clinic. There I assested with intake interviews, forms, and resources. The access to justice need is overwhelming, and I hope that LLNE can make some real impacts in filling that need.

If anyone has ideas or wants to join the committee, please reach out to me or to the membership committee.

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