2006 will be a big year for LLNE and AALL! It is the 60th anniversary of LLNE and the Centennial for AALL. Help us start celebrating by taking part in a trivia contest about us! While you are at the Spring Meeting at Harvard Law School tomorrow, look for entry forms and submission boxes at the registration table in Austin Hall and at the luncheon in the Ropes Gray Room. Entries will be due by 3:30pm, and winners will be announced at the Closing Reception in the Caspersen Room (4th floor of the Law Library, Langdell Hall). We will be awarding a “mystery box” valued at $50 as a grand prize, as well as five smaller prizes.
Special thanks to Diane D’Angelo, Mike Hughes and Joan Shear for making this contest possible.
Hope to see you tomorrow!
Michelle Pearse
LLNE Vice-President/President-Elect