Call for submissions: Fall 2018 Meeting, Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018

Call for submissions: Fall 2018 Meeting, Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018

We are taking things online this fall, and hosting our fall meeting as a webinar, titled: “Failures to Fixes: How you took an L, and turned it into a W”

Thank you for your interest in submitting a proposal for the fall 2018 LLNE meeting. The LLNE Education Directors, Danitta Wong and Shira Megerman, are looking for speakers from all libraries in all departments.  Libraries today move at a fast pace, and trying to keep current does not always work.  Let us know about your experience in failure, and how you worked to not fall into a pattern of repeat mistakes.  We welcome educational and informative proposals that will help others learn from what worked and did not work for you, and we are especially interested in proposals that developed expanded and innovative current practices out of your failed attempts.  The overall program will result in a diverse array of presenters and perspectives, from firm, court, and academic libraries, and all departments therein (collection services, access services, and research services), submissions permitting.

Presentations should be 40 minutes long, with 10 minutes for Q&A from the online forum.

Proposals must be submitted to both Danitta and Shira by 5:00pm, Oct. 26, 2018.  Presenters will be notified on Nov. 2, 2018 of their selection.

Your submission must include the following:

  • Submission title
  • Names, affiliations, and email addresses  of presenters
  • Description of session, or abstract (250-500 words max): Please include two or three takeaways, learning objectives, or questions for attendees.
  • Brief summary (1-2 sentences) to be used in the program agenda
  • Please indicate if you have presented on the topic previously, and at what conference
  • Please select an AALL Body of Knowledge Domain that applies to your proposal. For more information:
    • Professionalism + leadership at every level
    • Research + analysis
    • Information Management
    • Teaching  + Training
    • Marketing + Outreach
    • Management + Business Acumen

Danitta Wong:               Shira Megerman:

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