LLNE Spring Meeting cancelled

Dear fellow travelers, 

After much discussion, deliberation and even soul-searching, we have decided to cancel the LLNE meeting, Well-Being and Mindfulness for Legal Professionals. Travel bans for some New England schools, the uncertainty about the length of the planned bans and quarantines, and the prima facie nature of the current reality has led us to this conclusion.  Please know that we did not come to this decision lightly; the Boston College Law School Library staff is saddened to cancel this event.  Well-being and mindfulness are topics that we are passionate about, and that we know are of interest to so many others.  

We know that many of you, like us, are busy with the extra work of planning, teaching, and providing resources for the disruption due to the advent of the COVID-19.  Please accept our apologies.  We would like an opportunity to provide this conference at another time.  We will be letting the wonderful slate of speakers that we had convened know about this cancellation later this afternoon. 

May you all stay healthy and be safe.

Peace, Filippa


Filippa Marullo AnzaloneProfessor of Law
Associate Dean for Library & Technology Services

Boston College Law School

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