Hello from the Archives Committee

By Ron Oppenheim

Greetings, fellow LLNE members!  I’m Ron, the new chair of the Archives & History committee.  I’m writing a quick post to introduce myself and let everyone know how excited I am to help preserve LLNE’s history.  Now, you may be wondering just how genuine could one’s excitement be towards this endeavor?  Well, let’s just say that as the archivist for an insurance company, I am used to working with materials whose ability to inspire enthusiasm aren’t, ahem, readily apparent.  That, and like many of my fellow librarians, I find joy in organizing things.  So whether it’s teasing out a story hidden in some old documents or getting the satisfaction knowing that everything is in its proper place, I am excited to get to work.  In the meantime, if you have any questions or requests, please feel free to email me!

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