Featured LLNE Library: Boston College Law Library

BC Law Library in Seven Pictures

What makes Boston College Law Library unique?  Rather than just write about the library, here are some pictures to show how unique BC Law Library is:

Awesome Library Staff:  Not to be too cliched, but the people really do make the place.  As one library staff member put it, “I think one of the most important tenets of librarianship is sharing knowledge with others, and I am so grateful to work in a place that actively fosters a learning environment not just for its patrons, but for its staff as well.”  The workplace culture is really special. From encouraging professional growth and collaboration, to staff gatherings, spirit days like Weird Wednesdays, sharing homemade treats, and stopping to have a friendly chat, all build the feeling that the staff truly is a team.

Brilliant Outreach: Thanks to the Law Library’s tireless and enthusiastic de facto PR team, there are a plethora of outreach and engagement activities in the Law Library and through its social media. To give just a taste of the programs, the library has hosted Blind Date with a Book, Female Imprimatur digital exhibit, Baldwin in the Stacks (searching for a small stuffed eagle), Luck of the Library for St. Patrick’s Day and 1L orientation (including tours, games and prizes). The current outreach campaign is the Search for Law Squatch.  That video is incredible.  Subscribe to BC Law Library Instagram to keep up to date on the search!

Teaching Classes:  The Teaching & Research Librarians offer upper-level, credit bearing legal research classes each semester, taught in the Lutch classroom, located within the library.  The classes include Advanced Legal Research, Environmental Legal Research, International Legal Research, Business Law Research, Immigration Law Research and Intellectual Property Legal Research.  Enrollment is always maxed out, with a waiting list.  Students comment that these are some of the most useful classes they take in law school.

Rare Book Room: The Rare Book Room is named in honor of Daniel R. Coquillette, J. Donald Monan, S.J. University Professor, Boston College Law School.  The Rare Book Room hosts regular exhibits, law school class visits, and is available as a student study space (though it is chilly!).  The collection focuses on books that working English and American lawyers in the sixteenth through nineteenth centuries likely would have owned in their personal libraries.

Unique Check Out Items:  Need a beach chair?  Or a snow shovel?  How about a cornhole set?  Frisbee?  And of course, you can also check out book stands, chargers and wireless headphones.  Look out Amazon, the BC Law Library has it all!

Meditation Room: The Law Library works hard to support the overall wellness of the law school community.  Located inside the library, the meditation room is available for any students needing a quiet place to reflect and recharge, whenever the law library is open.  Prof Filippa Marullo Anzalone, Associate Dean for Library and Technology Services, teaches a class Mindfulness and Contemplative Practices for Lawyers.  Additionally, Prof Anzalone offers weekly drop in meditation sessions over Zoom. 

Nap Pods: On the upper floor of the library, the three nap pods are quite popular with our busy, sleep deprived law students.  Often, when you walk by, you will see several sets of legs poking out.  The pods have sounds to help students relax and rest, and include an alarm, so no one misses class!

Want to learn more about Boston College Law Library?  Check out our webpage and follow us on social media (Instagram, Twitter).

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