Changes to LLNE Leadership

Hi everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well and that your year is off to a smooth start. I wanted to bring a some recent and upcoming LLNE developments to your attention.

The first is a very recent change to LLNE leadership. Our vice-president, Josh LaPorte, recently accepted a position as Reference and Access Services Librarian at the law library of St. John’s University School of Law. Congratulations, Josh! And also thank you. You’ve been a thoughtful, creative LLNE colleague over the years. We wish you all the best and look forward to crossing paths with you in the future. 

As directed by our bylaws, the LLNE Executive Committee met to appoint a new vice-president and approved the appointment of Anna Lawless-Collins to the  position. Anna is a long-time member of LLNE. She has served on a number of LLNE committees and is currently the co-chair of the LLNE task force on engaged library ethics. Anna is the Associate Director for Systems & Collection Services at Boston University’s Fineman and Pappas Law Libraries. Please join me in welcoming Anna to the Executive Board.

With regard to upcoming events, my colleagues at Yale’s Lillian Goldman Law Library are hosting this year’s spring LLNE meeting and we will be planning that event over the next few months. Please stay tuned for more news on that. Also please know that LLNE’s Office of the Ambassador of Fun is working on scheduling events for this winter/spring. So please look out for those events in the near future.

In the meantime, please stay warm and try to enjoy our region’s seasonal climate!

All the best,

Mike, LLNE President 2021-2022

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