From its inception, LLNE has developed a tradition of support and service for its members. The major organizational goals are to promote the profession of law librarianship in the legal and library communities, and to provide members with opportunities for continuing education and networking. LLNE, through its activities and programs, has helped to establish valuable relationships between its members and the legal institutions of New England. Further, LLNE wishes to help improve the New England community by providing volunteer service, donations and gifts.
LLNE’s Procedure for Giving
- LLNE’s membership will provide service to the community by volunteering with local nonprofit organizations, as coordinated by the Service Committee.
- LLNE will donate cash or other goods, including gifts for donation at holidays, clothing or book drives, etc.
- The designated contact person for donations and service is the Chair of the Service Committee. The Chair will present any requests to the Executive board for consideration.
- Gift and donations will be given at the discretion of the Executive Board. The Treasurer will report the amount of cash used for donations to the Executive Board as part of the Treasurers report.
- Organizations to which LLNE donates goods or cash must be registered as a tax-exempt organization under federal tax laws and have an active and visible presence in New England.
Approved by the LLNE Executive Board, 11/4/2005